Chapter 48

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Story will be rotating between past and present. Few chapters will be in past and few will be in present. I just need few updates in past track then I will be wrapping it up this one is in present track.

In the end, Happy Diwali to all of.

Back to Present Track

"What is my sister doing? How are you Nandini? And how is your junior?" She flooded me with questions in an excited cheerful tone.

"Di I'm good and my junior is completely fine." I replied, trying hard to cover my soreness behind my low voice.

"You know what Nandini I'm so excited. I love kids a lot so I will love your baby a lot." She exclaimed optimistically. The phone rang suddenly, startling me.

"Di give me a minute, I'm getting a call from an unknown number. I will talk to you later." I didn't want to discuss the topic in details so I severed the connection. I picked up another call.


"Hello, Am I speaking to Nandini Malhotra?"

"Yes you are"

"Nandini, it's me Priya"

"Sorry I don't know you?"

"Priya, I came with your husband that night." She replied.

"What do you want from me? How dare you to call me?" I spat out. The sound of her name unleashed the thing that was clawing inside of me–a pain that knocked me breathless, astonished me with its force.

"Nandini, I know you are angry, actually there is something I want to talk about. It's about that night and your husband."

"Why do you I would believe you? I don't have any interest in this conversation. Don't try to call me again." I charged her roughly. Her voice was like venom to my ears.

"Nandini, please don't hang up on me. Trust me there is something about that night that you don't know. I had a hard time in finding your number Nandini. Please listen to me."

"What do you want to say?" I said as angrily as I could manage

"I can't tell you here. Can you meet me?"

"Where do you want to meet me?"

"I work in club 99, if you can meet me there."


"Don't come before 9 and please don't tell Manik anything about this call. Bye Nandini, I will be waiting for you."


The entrance gate of the club was slightly open and it was blocked by the security guards. I approached them and paid the money. The club was only free for members rests were suppose to pay money. After paying he allowed me in and I entered inside. It looked like a jazzy place and I was absolute misfit in it. It was because of him that I had to come here otherwise I would never come here on the first place.

Where was I supposed to find her among so many people? I tried calling her she even received it but the blaring music didn't her hear my voice then I left a text on her number.

"I'm here in the club, near the entrance gate."

"Come inside, near the bar, I work as a bartender in this club." She instantly replied. I crossed the lounge area, making my way through the crowd I reached near the bar. I took short, nervous steps in her direction. The memory grew back in my head; I recalled everything happened that night. It changed my life forever.

Devil's BrideOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora