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"Niyonica Ma'am you called me" I asked, after entering in her room.

"I did, Nandini come, sit. I want to tell you something." She gestured me to sit beside her on bed and I followed her instruction wordlessly.

"How things are going on between you two?" she questioned me, it's been a month me and Manik were staying together after our marriage and the whole month was pure bliss for me. Manik and me we were recovering with our past, he was always beside me whenever I needed someone. I was surprised to see him taking care of me in such a delicate way as if I was a glass doll and a little scratch could break me.

"It's going good, we are happy with each other." I told her. 15 days ago when she left for London she told me to take care of everything in her absence. After our marriage Manik and she formed a great bond with each other.

"In London I met Manik's father." I was little surprise with revelation. Why would she meet him? I thought it was over and there was nothing left to talk about.

"His wife died 40 days ago and he left for London without meeting any one of us. He told me that he's guilty for his mistakes but doesn't want to come back. He wants to stay with her memories." She continued further.

"Even Manik doesn't want to see him anymore."

"Don't say it in that way Nandini, Karan  loves Manik a lot but he never loved me. The forced marriage was the reason of his action and I don't mind it either. Our relationship was nothing but a disaster for me as well but I cannot deny the fact that he has rights on Manik and Mukti" She responded, I tried not to cringe at her words. I never liked Manik's father but fate had indeed played a dirty game with both of them. No one knows more than me how it feels to be in abusive and forced relationship. I was lucky enough to survived but these two weren't lucky like Manik and me. Eventually both of them had to part their way but nothing sticks to us forever there will be day, when we will have to part our ways with the person we love. There will be a day where we will have to walk alone on the road name life.

"I can understand that," I assured her with my words, throughout the whole journey she was a constant of my life. I didn't know what I would have done without her.

"Karan  gave me something for Manik. It's a present for his birthday" She said, it reminded me of Manik's birthday which was tomorrow and about the surprise I planning.

"What it is?" I asked. She pulled out a guitar, it was a same guitar like Manik had before but he burned it. I didn't know how he was going to react on this gift, he would accept it or not.

"I don't know how Manik is going to react on this"

"I know but give him and try to make him understand it's better to forgive. Karan  actually regrets it and it will pain Manik forever so it's better he forgives him." I took the guitar from her hand. I just hope it won't corrupt his mood as he avoid talking about his father.

"Nandini, you know what, all marriages go through ups and downs. Some of them survived, some of them didn't, and mine was one of them." She sighed, her expression pained though she was trying to cover it up but her voice betrayed the hidden emotions.  I always felt some connection with her may be because same happened with me. May be because she was there for me all the times in my ups and downs like a support system or may be because my marriage survived and her didn't whatever it was but the strings were always present and they tied us together.

"I know how it feels. It happened with me. I survived only because of you." I said, feeling a pang of sympathy, not that she needed any but I couldn't stop. The woman standing in front of me deserved happiness in her life.

"Always remember one thing Nandini, we all have problems, we all go through hardships. Tears and pain are inseparable part of our life still we have to find a way to keep going and stay happy. There is always someone who has more problems than you, don't give up in front of them try to sort them out. This isn't end. In fact, it's a new start, you're lucky enough to get another chance. Life doesn't give everyone another chance, there will be more problems in your life but stay happy and fight against them." she told me, I nodded. I replayed her words in my mind "there is always someone who has more problems than you still we have to find a way to keep going and stay happy." She adviced, true that, it wasn't an end of my life. It was a new begining. I was a mother of two months old girl and as a mother there will be responsibilities on my shoulders. Parenting has no rules and is one long struggle. There will be more challenges in my way.

"Thanks you Ma'am for being there, you were always beside me when I needed someone the most."

"Why do you call me Ma'am" She cut me in mid.
Her question startled me.

"I don't know what to call you. I always used to," I hesitated; she was my mother in law but from the start she was my boss. Ma'am was all I had called her from the start.

"How about Mom?" She said, softly. I looked at her, I was surprised with her sudden demand but I was happy as well. She always protected me like a mother.

"Okay mom." I pronounced slowly, warmth flickered inside me.

"It sounds good and I know about your surprise enjoy tonight!" She winked at me, blush rose to my neck and chest seized up. She cracked another joke to comfort me. Then we talked about some other things and after some time I left her room.

After coming back, I decorated the whole room with rose petals and candles. Once Manik told me that he doesn't celebrate his birthday but today I wanted to make everything special for him. I dressed up in the same sari he bought for me as our marriage present.    

"Baby let's celebrate your daddy's birthday." I kissed the little baby in my hand. She made voices, it was clearly visible on her face that she  was excited for her father's birthday. We prepared some things together. Then after sometime she started crying so I had to make her sleep. After putting her back, I got busy with other preparation.

My heart caught in my throat as I began to hear someone footsteps, slow but measured steps, announcing his presence. I turned the lights off and hide behind the door. Thank god, Aaral was sleeping otherwise it would have scared her. Manik twisted the door knob and pushed it with a thud.

"Nandini where are you?" He called my name, I didn't answer him back.

"Lights kyun band hain" He spoke and turned the lights on. His eyes fell on the decorated room and widened with recognition.

"Happy birthday Manik!" I screamed in a high pitched cacophony which was loud enough to ring his skull like a bell. The look he had on his face for a moment - only for a second - was priceless, a wide smile formed on his lips. We hugged each other.

"Ye sab kya hain ye tumne kiya hain" he looked around, scanning the whole room with his eyes.

"Yes, can't I give little surprise to my husband." I said, shaking my head from side to side.

"I thought you weren't talking to me." he pouted, I bite my tongue, remembering our fight about the other child. Aaral was only two months old and the devil Malhotra was planning for another child and for Aaral's future school, college. He planned everything even her marriage as well. He said about her marriage that he wouldn't let her stay at her in laws place. He would tell her husband to stay at our place so he wouldn't have to part his way with his beloved daughter.

Manik was indeed crazy, who the hell plan such a things for a two months old baby. So we had argument over his planning which turned out into a silly fight.

"Come back to earth, Nandini." he clicked his finger in front of me. I came out from my trance.

"Nothing we fought because you were behaving like a crazy person and then you were scolding me for nothing. But it doesn't mean that I won't wish you on your birthday." I replied, he chuckled. That was indeed a crazy fight we had but we were known for our stupid banters only.

"Okay, fine, fine. I know, I was behaving like a crazy person but you were no less than a kitten the way you pounced on me after the fight. Do you remember our last encounter?" He winked at me, I turned red at his remark. I remember his way to shut my mouth. He kissed me like anything but after the kiss I pounced on him for revenge. From that day he is teasing by calling me a kitten.

"And you were no less than a devil." I glared at him, flaring my nostrils. He laughed on my statement.

"I would love to do that again and again, go on let's have fight today as well." He said while suppressing his laughter. I seriously wasn't in a mood to have a make out fight. Then we were interrupted by our daughter.

"My daughter is up," He exclaimed and moved towards her cradle. She was crying loudly in his arms and he was trying to pacify her. He smiled at her when she stopped crying in his arms. It was a boyish excited kind of smile that looked new on his face. He always smiled like a child whenever he's around her. In this month, he had learned to handle his daughter, I hate to admit but he handles her better than me. Manik researched onto it through reading books and also on internet as well. He knew every little thing about her. It was bliss to see him in this way loving and caring.

"Manik, bring her here and lets cut the cake" I said, holding a knife and candle in my hand. He engulfed me in a side hug.

"I don't celebrate my birthday." He contradicted.

"That's one old thing, now you do. C'mon cut the cake." I pointed subtly, tapping his shoulder. He surrendered and gripped the knife.

"Manik make a wish." I advised when he was about to blow the candle.

"I don't want anything in my life. I already have everything." He said while dropping a feather kiss on my head. He blew the candle and cut it. We fed it to each other.

"Thanks, for making it special for me."

"There are a lot of things I have in my kitty. It is not the end." I informed, nearly jumping with excitement. His smile blossomed into a full-blown naughty grin after hearing my words.

"What is still left?" He inquired enthusiastically.

"Lets go on terrace" He smiled at me and we made our towards the terrace with our daughter in his hand. I beamed as he walked through the candlelit entrance path.

The floor scattered with rose petals, soft background melody playing through the system. A lambent glow flickered from the low burning lamp. The fragrance of camelia and roses created a fusion as the lamp oil burn into beautiful lights. The heat of the night and the light breeze of the wind, the chirped of trees combined with the rustling of leaves were creating a symphony.

"It looks beautiful." The words escaped from his mouth, his eyes were twinkling like stars.

"So what is there in the menu?" He asked when we sat on the red mate, lights flickering around us.

"Aloo ke parathe" I revealed the dish with a  mischievous glint in my eyes.

"Nandini, that's not fair. You cooked them alone without me." he complained, puckering his nose, building a grumpy expression on his face. A momentary shyness twinkled in my eyes. And I looked here and there before resuming
eye contact.

"Everything is fair in love and war." I badgered him and he sulked like a baby who had lost his chocolate.

"Let's eat them." I provided a better solution and next moment we pounced on the food like we never had anything in our stomach that was our thing to do. I tore the bit We fed each other.

"Manik I have a gift for you" I told him after our food fight.

"What gift?" He asked. I moved away from him and after a minute appeared back with a guitar in my hand. He frowned when he saw the same guitar in my hand. I placed it on the ground. He looked at me, there were a lot of questions in his eyes.

"Nandini what was the need of this guitar. You know I don't like it at all."

"Manik I didn't bought it for you. Your mom she bought it you as your birthday present." I answered, my voice faltered at the end because my words were a lie but I couldn't afford to scratch the wound. It would bring everything back to him. Everything that he was trying to forget. 

"And you want me to believe it? I know about the meeting Nandini, don't ask me how but I know. One thing can't believe is you bought it in front of me now, at this moment, seriously?" His question caught me off guard.

"Manik, Mom wants you to keep it, he apologised." I drawled, uncertain how to follow the word.

"But why?"

"Because he loved you and he's your father." I said, scrambling for coherency while his gaze
unintentionally scattered my thoughts.

"First of all he never loved me and I don't consider him as my father and now I actually don't feel like celebrating anything, let's just call it off." he replied rudely. I regretted my words deeply. I didn't want to ruin his day.

"Manik please for me at least accept it. He lost his wife and he left for London and he loved you he's guilty, forgive him."

"He's dead and I cannot forgive him and I can't forgive myself. I was his shadow. I did the same with you what he did with my mother and I cannot forget those years we spent in agony and pain because of him." He said, his voice pained, his reaction was predictable. If I would have been on his place I would have reacted in the same way.

"First of all you weren't his shadow and what happened between us was a misunderstanding and about your parents both of them they never loved each other. It was a forced marriage."

"Nandini, let's just not discuss it anymore." He looked torn and I cursed myself for bringing this topic in front of him. I shouldn't have talk about all this at least not on his birthday. He was about to get up when Aaral started crying in his arms. He stand up and started trotting here and there to calm her down and I didn't know what more to say may be I ruined everything.

"Manik I'm sorry I shouldn't have bought this to you" I spoke, softly. He didn't reply, he didn't looked at me not for once. He was engrossed in his daughter. I needed him now, I desperately needed him to hold me. A lone tear escaped from my eyes.

"Won't you talk to me Manik." I asked still nothing came from his side. I was choking, he still didn't respond. He hadn't spoke a word and it was killing me from inside. I felt helpless.

"Fine, don't talk to me. I did it because I didn't want you to give up on your music. It's your passion Manik, keep it close to your heart. Don't leave it behind." I made another attempt but he didn't react on it.  Silence hung heavily between us - a silence filled with disappointment and chagrin. I knew I had touched his open wound, a unhealed wound just like a cracked porcelain vase once cracked and glued back together but the crack is still there waiting to fall apart.

Manik's pov

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice when she started crying. I know she didn't bought it to me purposely, she wouldn't do that, my mother told her to do that and obliged her.

Tere dar pe aake tham gaye
Nandini namazi ban gaye
Ik dooje mein yun dhalke
Aashiqana anayat ban gaye
Main aur tum   

I sang for her she gave me a confuse look but when she realized that I wasn't mad at her for bringing this to me, a tiny smile appeared on her face.

Kaisi dil lagayi kar gaye
Rooh ki rubaayi ban gaye
Khaali khaali dono thhe jo
Thoda sa dono bhar gaye
Main aur tum

Chalo ji aaj saaf saaf kehta hoon
Itni si baat hai mujhe tumse pyaar hai
Yunhi nahi mein tum pe jaan detha hoon
Itni si baat hai mujhe tumse pyaar hai

I sang pointing towards my heart. I didn't know what I would have done if it wouldn't her in my life. I admire this child like woman I have in my life I was hollow from inside, but she completed me.

Chalo ji aaj saaf saaf kehta hoon
Itni si baat hai mujhe tumse pyaar hai
Mujhe tumse pyar hai

Lag na ye dhoop zaruri
Lag na ye chao zaruri
Milte hain ishq zameen par
Ab doh hi naam zaruri
Main aur tum

I told her through the music that I love her and I do, I will always do it till I'm alive. She's the only reason of my happiness. I came towards her and held her hand, I kissed her forehead softly. I wiped her tears from my one hand.

Apna khuda bhi hoga
Apna hi rab le lenge
Khud ki bana ke duniya
Yeh zindagi jee lenge
Main aur tum

Chalo ji aaj saaf saaf kehta hoon
Itni si baat hai mujhe tumse pyar hai
Yunhi nahi mein tum pe jaan detha hoon
Itni si baat hai mujhe tumse pyar hai
Mujhe tumse pyaar hai

I twirled her, we danced with each other and my daughter created little noises. We are happy family and I don't want another thing in my life rather than these two. They are all I have in my life, they are all I want, they are all I need to survive.

She transformed a frightened, broken man into a family loving husband. I was forced to change by her. I could not imagine my life without her. The walls were no longer around me. I feel free, happy and loved by her.

Haa.. Haa..

Ek tum, Ek main
Teeja mangu kya khuda se
Dil doon, jaadu
Kya doon itna bata de
Tera mera rishta hai
Sanson se bhi naazuk

She sang, I listened, but a part of me was also looking at her—the way her eyes crinkled, the way her expressions changed, and then her voice, it was melodious.

Tum sa, hum sa
Koi dooja na hoga na hua re
Do dil sa ik seene mein hain
Jaise Main aur Tum
Ab dono hum ik jeene mein hain
Jaise Main aur Tum

She continued, I admired her. For me, she was like a pillar of strength, her presence around me could calmed the storm raging inside me.

My heart is stole by this woman. She didn't just steal it. She found it, she discovered it. I never knew it existed in my body but she found it and stole it from me, now I don't want it back. I sometimes wonder what was there in her that could pierced the thickest walls I built around myself. I was like a direction less ship, struck in a sea storm and she showed me a direction.

Jaan se zyaada chaha tumko piya re
Har pal, har dum
Hum dum tumko jiyaa re
Aaj saaf sa kehta hoon

Itni si baat hai mujhe tumse pyaar hai
Yunhi nahi mein tum pe jaan detha hoon
Itni si baat hai mujhe tumse pyaar hai

Chalo ji aaj saaf saaf kehta hoon
Itni si baat hai mujhe tumse pyaar hai
Mujhe tumse pyaar hai

I sat beside her after finishing the song. I cupped her face in my palms. Her beautiful almond shaped eyes which were closed yet looked so perfect on that pretty face, her little cute nose which was carved with perfection , her luscious pouty lips parted as her breathing was shallow. She is so beautiful even in pain.

"Nandini, I'll not leave music behind but not this. I can't do this. Please, don't force me." I explained, mopping her tears. She nodded, understanding my condition and situation.

"Let's go down." I left the terrace, I didn't look back towards the guitar. I could never forgive him. There are things in our life that stays the same forever and we can't do anything about them. It's going to hurt me forever so it's better I leave it the way it is.


Nandini's pov

"Manik make her sleep again. She cannot play with you whole day." I said when we came back in our room and Aaral was sleeping in his arms. I scolded him when he was trying to play with her. He wanted his two months old daughter to play with him all day.

"She sleeps a lot." he objected.

"She's only two months old and little babies sleep around 18 hours per day." I told him but there wasn't any need to tell him anything about Aaral he already knew a lot.

"I know, I know, Love I'm waiting for you to grew up, I want to play with you." he said while dropping a smooth kisses on her head. It was lovely to see both of them enjoying each other's company, it wasn't only him even his daughter enjoy his company more than mine. He put her in cradle after cajoling her some more within 15 minutes she was fast asleep.

"Manik I hope you and you're daughter both of you are done with each other and you will give me your little time." I bemoaned. He chuckled on my childish protest.

"Nandini I told you, we need time, I'm not in hurry." he said while looking towards the decorated bed and I know it was an indication from his side that he wanted to wait. In these one month we never had any intimate moment on our first night Manik told me that our relationship needs time. This time he wants to take things slow. I agreed with him, we spend some time with each other and the misunderstandings we had were gone. I was ready for this but with him the situation was far direr than I had imagined. There were few moments of heavy silence. Manik was staring at the ground, his fist clenched at his side.

"Manik I'm ready. What is wrong with you?" I felt irritated by his silence. He hadn't replied to me yet.

"Manik, what's wrong? You don't want me anymore?" I asked. No this can't be true but I was insecure enough to ask such a questions.

"Do you really think so, I don't want you anymore?“ He was hurt by my question, I could see it in his eyes.

"Then? Tell me the reason." I forced him to spill the beans.

"Last time what happened, I still can't.....I , I need time." He stammered. I couldn't believe this; he was still insecure about us. This was turning out to be more difficult than I'd imagined it would be.

"In life, I have learnt one thing; with forgiving others we should forgive ourselves as well, for those mistakes we never wanted to commit still took place in our life." I consoled, he looked at me. This incident and marriage taught me a lot of things about life. Bad timings are the part of the life and we should not give up on life.

"Manik I have forgiven you long ago and now I want you to forgive yourself for everything; I know you still feel guilty about it" I spoke softly. I kept my one hand on his cheek; I know he needs emotion comfort more than me. The whole incident still revolves around his eyes.

"But" He tried to speak but I kept my finger on his lips.
"I want you" I said still nothing came from his side. I felt tremendous urge to cry, everything happened wasn't enough for him. Still he hold those fear, insecurities inside him may be not like before but still. I bite my lip to stop myself from crying. It would hurt him to see me crying.

"Leave" I moved away from him, my voice was broken, utterly defeated. This has gone far enough and I didn't wish to continue it more. If he needs time then I will give him what he wants but I was actually disappointed to see that he still need time to recover. For sometime, I wanted to be alone.

"Nandini, wait" he said before I could reply he scooped me in his arms.

"Manik what are you doing, put me down." I said, his gaze was on me and I looked away from him. I didn't want him to see me in tears.

"I'm just doing what you want me to do." he told me, I was confused with his words but he didn't give me much time to ponder over the thoughts before I could reply he captured my lips for kiss after putting me on bed.

"Yar tum toh rone hi lag gayi okay fine I'm sorry karte hain na itni bhi kya jaldi hai tumhe, don't you think you are getting out of you control? Are you sexually frustrated?" he said after breaking the kiss. Such a tease he was, I glared at him. I pushed him away.

"Okay fine, my dear kitten, come here"

"Manik stop it okay" I pouted.

"No, no, don't say it in that way say Manik please continue." I blushed hard on his comment. I moved my eyes away from him and held me chin, making eye contact. I lowered my eyes. He kept his one hand on my waist and another one on back. He untied the knot of my blouse.

"I forget to tell you something, you looked gorgeous today that was the actual reason why I was trying to maintain my distance. Because I knew it once I touch you I will be gone." he spoke in low husky voice. The way he was speaking in low seductive voice, his lips resting on my neck, literally evoke fire inside me. My eyes were fixed on him and I could see longing in them. More than me it was difficult for him to control still he did that for our relationship. First he captured my lips and his hands were roaming on my bare back. He removed the plates of my sari with the help of his hand. I couldn't dare to move even if I wanted to he wouldn't have allowed me to, he rubbed his lips on my neck leaving a love bite there, I moaned his name loudly.

I opened my eyes slowly when I didn't felt his touch on my body but when I opened my eyes to see him, he was standing in front of me half naked. I looked at him, lust clouding my mind. The expressions on his face especially his smirk was enough to evoke fire inside me. He jumped on me and fisted my hair, within a minute my clothes were on the floor. He teased me through his voice and also by biting my back, neck, and belly.

The needing-him sensation inside me about doubled with that touch, every touch was becoming unbearable, his hands never stopped touching me - rubbing my thigh, pulling me into him by wrapping his arm around my shoulder, brushing my hair back from my face. He removed our remaining clothes, we were naked beneath the sheets, skin to skin.

He laid me down beneath him, kissing my collarbone and murmuring sweet nothings between breaths. He slid a finger inside me and held his face above mine, watching my reaction, cherishing my reaction

He places his forearms next to my arms as he leaned over me, maximizing our skin-to-skin contact. I tried covering my body with duvet but he didn't allow me, we were making out without covering our bodies. The distance had indeed drive him crazy.

His finger was inside me again, swirling around, feeling the width of me while he kissed and flicked me on the outside. He stimulated me all at once, like an expert. Every erogenous zone was on fire. I heard myself begging him to do it before I realized that was even what I wanted - and he was on top of me again, thrusting into me like I asked, like I needed , filling me, driving me over the edge.

He started moving up and down, savoring me completely. My body, soul heart was completely consumed by his passion. His passion in which I wanted to drown myself and never come out of it. It's like an ocean for me, ocean of his love and desire.

I felt his heat inside me and his breathing slow, finally. I'm here in this moment with him. My blood signing in my veins. His breathing ragged, thrumming loudly through ears, mixed with his heartbeat. I buried my hand in hairs, holding him tightly as his body consumes mine. Oh the sensation I feel was so amazing. I can't describe it in words.

"Manik I love you" I proposed.

"I love you too, Nandini" He confessed before pulling the duvet on our body. Life was worth living with  devil and his daughter and I love him a lot.

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