Chapter 53

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I reached in her cabin. I knocked the door and she permitted without looking at me. I opened the door widely and came inside. She was sitting behind her desk, talking on the call. I stood in front of her waiting for her to finish the call.

"Nandini, give me a second I'm almost done." She informed and shook my head, gesturing her that I was fine and she can take her time. I stood in front of her about minutes then finally she kept her phone down on the table.

"Nandini, please have a seat" I occupied the seat which was right in front of hers.

"Good morning Nandini, how are you? She greeted me like a long lost friend. I can feel the affection in her manner.

"It's been long we catch up with each other." She said, I recalled the few conversations I had with her in last months. Though it was a casual conversation nothing personal.

"I'm good Ma'am. You were suppose to be back 15 days ago. What took you so long?"

"Hmm, I was supposed to be back 15 days ago but I had some important work so I stayed back to finish it."

"Nandini, I want to know what's going on between you and Manik."

"Ma'am let me tell you everything in detail you should know what happened."

"Okay, I'm listening"

"I was in a relationship with Dhurv before this marriage."

"Yes I know the boy I have seen him so many times."

"We were going to marry each other but then mine and Manik's marriage took place. I told him to walk out and let the marriage take place. First he protested but later he agreed."

"Then you know what happened at the night of my marriage. Manik never accepted me and our relationship. He wouldn't leave a single chance to torture me."

"I know Nandini that's why I told you not to tolerate his ridiculous behaviour. I know him very well."

"I didn't ma'am but it was getting out of the hand. Things changed between us when he kissed me in a party in front of everyone. I felt humiliated. That night I slapped him. I was feeling down about everything so I called Dhurv. Then Manik's client Mr. Saxena tried molesting me. He blamed Manik for everything. He said Manik was equally involved and it was him who chalked the entire plan. I was heartbroken it was the same night when I called you and told you that I want to walk out of this marriage and you told me to make him fall in love with me. But then Manik denied the allegation and proved himself innocent. He even apologised for his behaviour. After few days my father invited us for a dinner. Manik misunderstood him and he insulted him. He even told him everything about our marriage. My father didn't know anything about it. He was angry and we had a fight over it. Then I called Dhurv and I told him that I want to walk out of this marriage. He said he is ready to forgive me and we can give a second chance to our relationship." I

didn't know what it was about her that was making me very straightforward with her. The way she had been protective about me, paid attention to what I'd gone through, made me want to tell her everything.

"Okay so now I understand everything." I was surprised to see how casually she took everything. Not for once she cringed, she seemed casual about everything. We were talking about my affair with my ex and I'm married to her son. How could she be so casual about my past? Doesn't it bother her? In the end I'm her daughter in law. No matter how many times I try I can never understand this woman.

"Nandini, do you know why I told you to make him fall in love with you?" She asked, how can I forget the reason. It's his deepest fear.

"I do because falling in love is his deepest fear."

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