Chapter 66(b)

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"I came back from London a week before the actual date. My mind stopped functioning after meeting him. I was dejected. I know it wasn't the actual truth but for me it was, I know how it feels when you see your love with someone else." He reminded, I recalled the time with a pang in my chest, it bought the same sadness back that faded a while ago.

"This place it's so special to me. I used to come here when we were away from each other because it is the same place where we promised each other a lot of things. Where we shared our first kiss. This place had witnessed both my sorrow and happiness. It was so difficult for me to stay away from you. It took my everything, that time this place, it provided peace, solace and strength." He said and closed his eyes, and I could see a myriad of emotions crossing his face. When he reopened them, his expression was pained. Memories surged through me, memories of the most beautiful night in past but a nightmare in present. This place still carried our essence, our scent lingering in the air, from the start it was my special place but after him it became more special.

"You know what Nandini, I lost all hopes when everything turned dark in my life. Before you I was living in a complete darkness, I never thought I would be happy again. I didn't think I was capable of loving anyone else but you happened, you bought dreams, hope and light back in my life. I was captivated by your charm, you gave me life when I had none. That time when I was away from you, bought the same darkness back in my life. I have always loved you even when you didn't and I'll do it forever." He confessed, cupping my face in his hands, warmth spread out from the spot he touched,
I couldn't move a muscle, couldn't gather enough courage to push him not that I wanted to, reaching up, I caressed his cheek and run the tips of my fingers through his stubble. He closed his eyes and exhaled slightly. My heart stopped beating when my fingers brushed against his skin.  I buried my head in his arms and revel the feeling of being in his arms. I have missed this feeling, the ecstasy flowing through my veins, getting me high,  his breath fanning on my neck, his heart beating against mine, he closed me in his arms, I explored his body with my fingers, touching every inch of his frame. I can never stop loving this man no matter how much I fight with myself. I wish I could tell him that I never stopped loving him not even when he hated him. I had loved him with every cell of my body and I'll do it forever.

"Everything was great in fact magical between us until you cheated." I muttered, his words caught me off guard, I broke the hug and gazed at him for a moment, with a confused expression.

"Don't look at me like this Nandini, tonight I need an explanation from you. You narrated the entire situation but never apologized for your deeds. You deceived me Nandini, I told you thousands of times not to back stab me, you promised that you'll never but you still did it." 
He accused, His entire demeanor changed in a nanosecond. His eyes blaze, and wild anticipation emanate from him. His expression hardened slightly, that love and admiration was no where to be seen on his face. I listened with a calm face but my insides were writhing in fury. So all this while he was trying to pull the wool over my eyes. Now I understand why he was only and only talking about his feelings so later he could turn the tables in his favor and play the victim card.

"You corrupted our relationship, you destroyed us. It was all your fault, all of it from the start till the end. Sab tumhari galti thi now answer me why? Why did you ?" He asked, he was straight with his words, his viciousness cut my heart into million pieces. How could he behave so indifferently with me? He had apologized so many times for his actions. How could he just forget all his mistakes? How the fu*k he could put the entire blame on my head. This is what I get in return  after everything that I went through for him and because of him, a bucket of allegations. I had never reacted to his apologies but never behaved rudely with him as I was tired of everything but that doesn't mean I will stay calm and allow him to blame me for everything.

"Yes, it was my fault all of it. You had feelings for me and your mother wanted us to be together. She trapped me in this marriage without giving damn about my life. Then she manipulated me, never told me anything because she wanted to gift her son his so called love." I spat out, I couldn't keep the disdain out of my voice. Honestly, the audacity of this man—this man who has put me through hell over the last few days. No, that’s wrong. I’ve put myself through hell by falling in love with him. It was my fault, all of it, expecting  love  in return from him was my fault. He's a devil, hatred is the only emotion known to him. Destroying people is the only thing he can do, expecting something else from him was my fault.

After putting my hands in fire I expected from it to warm not burn but why won't it burn? It will burn, after all it's one of the prime characteristics of fire. I was stupid enough to have such foolish expectation. It's all my mistake.

"And her son punished me because he couldn't punish her. Was I responsible for your bitter past? Was I responsible for the problems you faced in your life? Then why did you punish me for everything? Why every damn person is punishing me? Do you ever think how I feel about it?  And in end it's all my mistake. I accept it but you know what is my worst mistake, you, Manik Malhotra you are the worst mistake of my life. Falling for you, marrying you is the worst mistake of my life. I didn't corrupt our relationship I corrupted my life. I didn't destroy us I destroyed myself." I screamed but it's barely of whisper, my voice getting lost in the pain. I was on the verge of fainting from too many explosions in my head. My thoughts were all haywire and jumbled, echoing and bouncing off the inside of my skull. Pain that I was feeling in my body nearly chocked me.

"Stop rolling the conversation Nandini, you had an affair with him behind my back." He defended himself, his words enraged my fury. I looked at him like I would swallow him if I get the opportunity, my temper was far worst than his, I had had enough of this man, his temper and allegations. I thought he was at least guilty for putting me in hell but no I was wrong about it, he could never be guilty about anything. He's one self centred jerk who can't think beyond himself.

"You could have come to me and ask about it but no you pretended just to take revenge. And I never had any affair with him. I gave him false hopes and that's it, stop behaving like I slept with him." I spat out at him in disgusting manner. I didn't even care to filter the words. I shut my eyes to hold onto my temper but it was slipping out of my hand besides the pain in my lower body was becoming unbearable with each passing second.

"Nandini mind your tongue." He threatened.

"Why should I mind my tongue? Can't you watch your own words? You can speak whatever comes in your mouth and I'm supposed to have filter in my mouth. I fucking don't care about you, I had enough of you, I'm done." I screamed, I was trying hard not to cry, it was the hardest I have tried in my whole life.

"You rekindled our beautiful memories right but why not rekindling the dark ones, why didn't you bought another girl in your room? This time do one thing, go and sleep with her, I don't give a damn."

"Why not locking me again in that storeroom, this time don't unlock it, let me die peacefully, it will be better than this, anything is better than this." I added, sweeping the mess that dampened my soul. I drank the bile that rose in my throat. I lost the ability to breath for few moments. It felt like my emotions and love were being thrown in hell.

"Why not going back to the same place where you told me that you hate me, you don't want a mother like me for your baby. Why didn't you take me there? Soon it will turn out truth. You can have your baby and I'll be gone forever." When I finished deep despair cast their shadow over my soul. After this, I wanted nothing but plunge into a deep and quite sleep, so I could get rid of this agony and pain.

"Dare you to blame me for this. I didn't even know about the complications you had but if anything happens to you, I'll be blamed. Why everyone is behind my life? I'm not responsible for anything Nandini, you corrupted my life and yours too. I won't be able to love my own child because of you Nandini. How am I a devil? I don't know why everyone is portraying me a devil? I'm not a devil, I have heart, I do feel pain. Nandini just explain it to me." I heard his words in utter silence, without moving a muscle, they shot me like a bullet right in my heart. Those words, and the way he uttered them, speaks volumes. You corrupted my life and yours too, that line felt a like a punch in my gut.

I couldn't stop myself, tears ran down through my cheeks, intermingling with the sweat beats falling on my face. His words decimated my last peaceful moments. That's what he had been doing all this while, decimating my life.

I sat on my knees and curled up, desperately clutching my stomach to stop the pain from coming. The physical pain was indescribable, it was everywhere, seeping into the marrow of my bones but still it was nothing in front of the pain I was feeling in my heart. I did it for you, I wanted to scream on his face but I stayed back after considering his words about my baby.

"Stop trying to seek for sympathy Nandini, I know you are just trying to troll me. Stand up and answer me." He scolded when his eyes fell on my curled up frame, whimpering in pain. His words pushed me off, I strode towards him and landed a tight slap on his right cheek. My entire body was quaking in anger.

"You are the last person on the earth whose sympathy I want, and I'm not trying to gain your sympathy but forget it. Why would you care?"  I yelled, I felt like a sharp knife was lodged into my chest whenever I speak but anger overpowered the bone crushing pain which was looming on my head like a threat. It was getting difficult for me to hold my ground properly. I could feel it slipping under my feet.

"You do feel pain, you have all the rights in the world to feel pain. It's me who cannot feel pain because I'm not human but Devil's Bride. You were right, you are the curse of my life. You destroyed me, you burned me from inside but in the end it's all my fault, everything. Loving you ip
my fault, marrying you is my fault. It is all my fault and I regret every bit of it." I scream. It felt so good to scream. I began to hit his chest and I kept hitting him until his breathing turned ragged and harsh and mine was almost non-existent as I was losing it with each passing second.

"I thought you were guilty, I believed you but thanks for showing me the mirror of reality. You can never change. Or akhir me sab meri galti hain isliye toh ye saja mil rahi hain muje, death will be less painful than this life and I'm happy that I'm dying I'll be free from this pain.  At last it's all my fault, sab meri galti hain." I said, I couldn't hold it any longer and collapsed on the ground. My forehead was soaked in sweat, my chest rising and falling,  my stomach was aching my teeth were chattering due to the pain, my eyes were blood shot and my entire body was burning with pain but this physical pain was nothing, nothing compared to this devastation. Tears again pooled into my eyes. I hated myself for crying. It angered me that I was crying for this insensitive, cruel devil. Who only and only cared about himself. It was always about him and his needs, his wishes, I never existed in this relationship.

Tomorrow will be better,  with no drama at all, it' will be, it has to be. That's how I have forced myself to think daily but tomorrow was always worst than yesterday. One thing after another keep crossing my way and now I feel tired of it. I feel exhausted of his insecurities. I wish nothing but sleep to come and engulf me in it's arms.

He knelt down beside me, my eyes met his, they were blazing like a turbulent storm. He looked completely and utterly lost, like I’ve pulled the rug from under his feet. There was a raw pain in them like someone destroyed his entire world.

He grabbed ahold of my elbows in an attempt to hold me but I pushed him away.

"Don't you dare touch me, I don't need your sympathy." I recoiled from him. There’s no way I can tolerate his touch now, it will slay me.

"Let me help you." He forwarded his hands to help me. I puncherd his palm with my nails when he tried to hold me.

"That's how I will treat you if you try to touch me again."  I screamed on the top of my voice as it felt like a knife was struck in my bladers. It was so deadly that it could directly take me to my grave. I could feel my baby revolving inside my stomach, doing rounds after rounds, it seemed like my baby was fighting to get out of my womb.

"Please" he pleaded, his voice soft and eyes full of tears. He extended his another hand to touch my face but I scratched it too.

"Forget it." He forcefully picked me up in his arms and began to climb the stairs down. I didn't had the energy inside me to stop him so I allowed him to do whatever he wanted to.

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