Chapter 59

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I hope this update answer all your questions regarding Manik's behavior finally the mystery is revealed. I would love to know your point of view about his behavior do leave your comment in comment box. I didn't know I have readers here as well. I didn't know that you wait for the update as it just an edited version of the story but I'm glad you people are liking it. You can express your views about the new version. I will be replying to you and I will be grateful to you as well.

I pulled the car in front of my house, I turned the headlights off and slide keys out of the ignition and slipped out of my car. I pushed the door of my room and entered inside. I hastily collected everything and got back into my car.

Minutes felt like hours as I drive through the city in silence. Every mile that I cover widen the gaping hole in my heart. Images of my both happy and sad childhood, images of my father's death, images of me visiting psychiatrist to get out of the depression, images of my grandfather dying and mourning over his son's death, images of people hurling abuses at my mother swirl through my mind. Everything rushed back to me, every single thing punctured my heart. How could she do this to me? How could he do this to me? Weren't they suppose to protect both of us? That's what parents do right.

An hour later I found myself standing on the same place where I was supposed to build his dream project, his dream, my dream. I feel like laughing on myself for calling it my dream.

I sat on my knees and closed my eyes. I flinched at the haunting images flowing behind my eyes. Tears formed at the corner of my eyes, I lifted my shirt to wipe them. It broke my heart to know that my life had been based on an illusion. The picture I had created of my father was shattered. He had never been there for me, and he never would be.

I spent my years crying for him, missing him daily. I spent my life thinking that he was gone but he was enjoying his life with his new wife. He was never gone, he never died. It was a drama created by both of them, a fucking drama.

It's the same land where I was suppose to built his dream project but now on the same land I'll burn his remainings.

I threw the guitar on the floor along with his few other things. I poured the liquor on his belongings and my precious guitar. I burned the so call suicide note and dropped it down on the guitar.

The fire quickly swallowed the precious memories that I had been protecting since so long. My eyes burned as the smoke rose, I could see the flames dancing on my precious guitar. Soon it will be in ashes. I wish the flames would grow and swallow me in same the way they were swallowing my guitar and other memories.

I would have burned my hand or brake something, hurting myself would have calm the rage which building inside me but I can't, I promised her I will hurt not myself. Helplessly, I began to sob, unable to hold back the tears any longer. A flash of wild grief ripped inside me. I never thought I will experience emotional pain like this. Nothing in my life has hurt so bad.

I sat there for an hour or more. Rewinding my entire life again and again in my head. I could feel my phone vibrating in my pocket but I couldn't bring myself to answer it. I wasn't in a mood to talk. After a while, I pulled my phone out of the pocket because it won't stopped ringing. I checked the display to find Nandini's name flashing on the screen. A part of me wanted to pick up the phone just to hear her melodious voice and another part of me wanted to disconnect it. I slide my finger on the red icon of the screen and then I put the phone on airplane mode.

I get inside the gallery of my phone and gazed at her picture. I lightly touched her exquisite features, her long dark hair that past on her shoulders, her lips as red and flawless as a bloom rose, eyes so captivating that shocks all my senses, she was flawless in every way imaginable, she was my burning desire, my endless love yet the same person who teared my heart into million pieces.

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