Chapter 65

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I knocked the door of my mother's cabin, shifting back and forth, waiting for her permission. She nodded after seeing me, I occupied the leather chair after entering inside her cabin.

"Mom, I need your help in something." I said, she closed the file she was working on.

"Do you know anything about Nandini 's complications?" I continued as I wanted to know if she knew anything about her case or not.

"Complications? What, complications?" She asked, she wore a blank expression in her face which certified that Nandini  hadn't involved her in anything.

"Nandini  has server complications in her pregnancy but she never told anyone of us."

"Oh my god, I had no idea about it."

"I never knew anything about it until yesterday I came to know through her letters. She has put her entire life in danger mom. I'm so worried mom, I can't stop thinking about it. It's killing me from inside."

"Are you sure about it? I met Navya so many times she never mentioned it to me."

"I met her last evening, even after knowing everything Navya kept it away from us. She supported Nandini  in all this."

"Nandini , never told me anything about it. I don't know what held her back, I would have never allowed her to do something as disastrous as this."

"I don't know mom, I feel like something is breaking me from inside bit by bit, whenever I picture it in my head and the worst thing is I'm the soul reason behind it. I unknowingly forced her to go for it. I would kill myself if anything happens to her."I expressed, I took a deep breath, trying to fill the void in my chest, a void that’s been present since yesterday which was more like a painful reminder of last night's incident. 

"Manik, all the problems in this world has a solution, I think we should talk to Navya, she is Nandini 's doctor, she can provide us a proper solution."

"I'll bring the best doctor of the world for Nandini  but won't choose to trust Navya. I should've done more things, what I did with her last night wasn't enough." I groan in frustration, rolling my eyes heavenward. I don’t have the capacity for idle talk now. No, I want none of it. There's no way I'm meeting her again. That woman is the root cause of my miseries. Had I knew about it before, I would have corrected everything but I couldn't all thanks to Dr. Navya Mishra.

"What did you do last night?"

"I blasted on her and I don't regret it."

"Manik, I can understand what you're going through but anger and fight aren't the right solution. We should meet her and see what comes out, there has to be a solution."

"Mom, I can't think properly, my mind is not working properly." I swallow, and a lump in my throat swells as I recall the last night. I felt like my head would explode as it had thousands of negative emotions and thoughts in it.  I feel ripped apart whenever I picture Nandini  leaving me alone. I would destroy everything if I would lose her, I could lose anything but her, I could give anything but her.

"Leave everything on me. I'll talk to her, just come with me." She picked her phone to get Navya's appointment. Honestly, I didn't want to see that irresponsible doctor anymore but if it can help Nandini  then I would, otherwise I could never tolerate her presence around me.

"Manik, she told me that she is free and we can visit her now. Let's go I don't want to waste more time."

We sat in silence as our driver takes us to
the hospital. Nervously, I entered inside Navya's cabin. Last night's outbursts rushed back to me, if it wasn't about Nandini  the I would have never face this woman. 

"Navya we want to know everything about Nandini 's case. What kind of complications she has and how serious they are, everything about her." My mother requested, she didn't answer and glared at me with scornful eyes. My mother understood her indication. I mentally rolled my eyes at her childishness. There was no way I going to apologize in fact I wish I could blast at her and show her the same mirror she showed me last night.

"I apologize on his behalf Navya, Manik was actually worried for Nandini  and he lost his calm. Please try to understand his condition and tell us about Nandini 's complications in details. Please Navya I request." She nodded meekly and bought a red file out of her drawer. She placed it in front of us to explain Nandini 's case in details.

"Nandini 's womb is not strong enough to carry a child so after the Cesarean poison will spread in her body and it can put her life in danger." She said, showing us her reports and vital states.

"Why can't we go for the normal delivery Navya?" Mom interrogate.

"That's because in her case normal delivery will be far more painful than the natural one, I don't think anyone bear such great amount of pain."

"What if she does then?"

"Manik this isn't a joke, giving birth is the second most painful thing in the world, first is being burned alive. Through this you can understand what a woman goes through while giving birth and in Nandini 's case it could be lethal and more painful. If Nandini  lost her conscious state, you will lose both of them. As her doctor I don't suggest you to go for it."

"Just answer my question." I snarled, here I was trying to be polite despite all the anger I have for her and she was testing my patience. Only I knew how I was controlling myself from bursting out.

"Then we can save both of them" She answered, her words alarmed my conscious state. 

"But it isn't happening. As her doctor I will never allow you to go for it." She added. She threatened, her eyes glinting ominously.
I ignore the unwelcome stab of disappointment that I felt after hearing her words. I'll do anything in my power to save her. If it can save Nandini  then I'll go for it.

"Is there anything else that we can do?" My mother questioned.

"Ma'am, Nandini  wanted to have this child. So I think you should respect her choice." She sympathized, her words angered me I could see the pity in her eyes for both of us and it added more fuel in my fury.

"Navya, I'm being nice to you that doesn't mean you will say whatever comes in your mouth." I snarled, the picture of Nandini  leaving me was so horrific,  my throat swelled and ached as a huge knot formed there, almost choking me,
matching the fear that’s balled tightly in
my stomach.

"I still want to go for it. If it can save Nandini  I'm ready to take the chance."

"Normal delivery in this case is my last option. Nandini 's body haven't shown any positive signs. She might not even get labour pains. In few cases woman doesn't get labour pain so the Cesarean is the only option doctor is left with and her case is one of them, I don't think normal delivery can happen in this case."

"Is there anything that can cause labour pains?"

"It happens naturally but physical injury, mental stress, emotional outburst can cause unnatural labour pains but don't think about hurting her physically. It will cause more harm."

"Emotional outbursts can cause unnatural labour pains"

"It can but I'm not sure about it. It doesn't happen in all the cases but in few, that's why we tell the patient to stay away from any kind of stress and negative emotions."

"That's it we are going for the normal delivery."

"Why are you repeating the same thing again and again. How many times am I suppose to tell you that it could be lethal?" She hissed through clenched teeth and shaking her head, her exasperation was palpable.

"Look Navya I'm not letting her go and if it has some chance then I want to go for it."

"Fine, take the responsibility of your act and be ready for the consequences. If it doesn't turn out right then I won't responsible for anything." She declared, I was seething in anger, she was the one who supported Nandini  in all this and now I'll be responsible for everything and she will have the clean chit. I felt like rubbing all her actions on her face but I stayed quite as I didn't want to pick up another fight with her.

"You kept it away from me until I find it out. You are responsible for her condition. I know what I am doing and this time do it as I say, you owe it to me."

"I promise to try my best rest I don't know." She growled, emphasizing each word. I ignored her expression and continued to ask more about Nandini 's condition.

We left her cabin after discussing few things.

"Manik, are you sure about it?" My mother asked when we were out of her cabin. Thought of anything happening to Nandini  leave
bitter taste in my mouth, but I dismiss it
and try to keep my mind as numb and as
blank as possible. I can’t think about it.

"I don't know mom, we don't have another choice so if it's the last option I have then I want to try it." I whisper,  failing to keep my emotions in check. My eyes began to water, my mother pulled me in bone crushing hug.

"I'm really really scared, I'll kill myself if anything happens to her. I can't even imagine it." I somehow manage to utter those words,  emotions choked my throat, rendering me  speechless.

"Manik, you need to be strong for her. Believe in yourself, miracles do happen. Right now Nandini  needs you more, you will have to handle her. Be strong, hold yourself a little more, things will fall back on their place, have faith in yourself.
She motivated, rubbing my back vigorously.


I peeked through door of my room, there she was, lying on the bed, wrapped up in comforter. Her was face pale but eyes still had the same innocence and strength. She noticed both of us when we began to walk in her direction.

"Nandini " my mother called her. We settled down on the bed, she on her right and I on her left side.

"You never told me anything about it but why? Am I not worthy of your trust?" My mother questioned, her voice was soft as if she was talking to a toddler. She struggle to answer her question.

"You wouldn't have allow me." She answered, Nandini  looked so remorseful, and in that moment, a sharp nagging pain lance through me.

"Of course I wouldn't have, what else do you expect from me? Your life is more important for all of us Nandini ." My mother scolded her mildly, I was content to see that she was treating her softly and wasn't scolding her roughly.

"Now the time is gone, we can't do anything to change it." She said and fixed her eyes down on the comforter, her lips twitch into a sad smile. Her expression dark and guarded, giving nothing away.

"Nandini , you know what in life we should never lose hope. Positivity is way more powerful than negativity, all you need to do is believe in yourself. Nothing will happen to you but this time you will have to fight for yourself. This time do it for yourself, no one else Nandini  but you, only you." My mother said gently stroke her back. She kissed her forehead and ruffled her hairs.

I mingled our hands to provide us strength. She looked at me with surprise in her eyes, for moment I thought she's going to pull away but she didn't, she allowed me to draw patterns on her knuckles, I caressed her fingers for a while, unspoken words float in the air. I could see the pain raw behind her eyes, pain that I have caused her. Her tears, the salty that came out of her eyes killed me, each drop of it felt like a knife running through my chest. What I had done with this innocence girl? Wasn't she happy without me? Wasn't she alive without me? But with me it's completely opposite. I found myself because of her and she lost herself because of me. She had done so much for me, I could never repay her back, all the things she had sacrificed for me including her life, they were precious to her, weren't they?

But now it's my turn to give her back whatever she has lost because of me. I promise you Nandini  I promise to correct all the mistakes I have made, I promise to save you, I promise to save us, I promise to put all your broken pieces back on the place, I promise to heal all your scars. You fought for me now I will fight for you.

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