Chapter 71

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"Before we start talking I want you to talk to Dhurv." He said while placing his daughter in the cradle. I baffled after hearing Dhurv's name from his mouth.

"Are you still insecure about it?" I asked, he walked up to me and sat back on the same place.

"Of course not Nandini, actually few days ago I got a call from him. He still thinks that you used him."

"Let him, I don't care, I'm not facing him back." I protested, recalling our last encounter. It would be too difficult for me to face him back.

"I don't want him to think that you're a gold digger. Clear his miss understandings Nandini. Finish what you started, he deserve a closer otherwise he'll never be able to trust anyone."
He said gently, pushing stray strands of my hair away from my face. I opened my mouth to deny but closed it again. He's right. For how long am I suppose to run away? I should face it.

"Do you think he'll forgive me?" I asked in a hollow voice as I felt nervous at the thought of approaching him back.

"It's up to him but you owe him an apology Nandini. Just do it, don't think much."

"Okay" I nodded meekly still pondering over the thoughts.  He bought his phone out and dialed Dhurv's number. I panicked at the sound of his ring tone. Dread seized my heart, I was about to face the worst mistake of my life.

First I thought to hide the utter ugliness of my act or think of a simple explanation without complicating things much.

"So you're planning to tell another lie. I thought you had enough but no you have more in your kitty. Go ahead do it and then regret it later." My inner voice pointed sharply.

"No I wouldn't, not again. I have paid enough for my lies. I'm not paying anymore. I'll tell him the actual truth." I decided in my mind.

"Hello Dhurv" Manik's voice bought me out of trance. He turned the speaker button on and nudged me to continue. I closed my eyes to I summoned courage.

"Hello Dhurv" I voiced.

"Nandini, how dare you call me? You still have the audacity to talk to me seriously. What do you think I don't anything about your plans and dirty games. Then let me tell you, I do know in fact I know everything about you. Me and Manik we figured it out long ago." He barked at me harshly after hearing my voice. His voice held so much detest. 

"Dhurv what you know, isn't the actual truth. You and Manik you miss understood everything. I never meant to.." I defended myself.

"Shut up okay, just shut up. I'm not the same anymore. I know in past I latched onto you like a pet dog, relishing the bits of affection you threw at me. When all the while you were just playing with my emotions and I thought you still love me." My insides quivered at his answers. My eyes dampened lightly, I covered it up by lowering my head. Manik patted my back in sympathy.

"Nandini, answer me one thing, Did you ever love me? Or whatever happened between us before your marriage was a part of your game?."

"Dhurv, you are mistaken, there is nothing like that, whatever I had for you before my marriage was true and genuine. I wasn't faking it. Why would I fake it? I had no reasons to do it. You know me from last four years."

"You really think that I will do all this things. Dhurv believe me, I never planned anything against you. I know what happened with you was wrong and I regret it deeply but I never thought about taking advantages of you or your love." I clarified. I know I had done the worst with him but I never in my dream thought of using him.

"Dhurv allow her to speak. We jumped on the conclusion without giving her a chance to explain. At least listen to her." Manik supported me. Dhurv paused for a moment and then blurted out a half hearted yes. After struggling a lot with my emotions, I began to speak.

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