Chapter 36

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I climbed out of my bed, I rubbed my eyes slightly. I drew the curtains apart and stood there for a while, gazing at the sun. The morning sun was beautiful, its rays falling on my face, calmed my nerves. I looked back towards the bed to find Manik but he wasn't there, then my eyes fall on the paper which was on the table. I removed the paper weight and slowly unfolded the paper.

"Good morning, I know you must be thinking, where I'm, so for your kind information. I'm going to Pune for a meeting. I will be back tomorrow; you were sleeping so peacefully so I didn't want to disturb you, that's, why I couldn't in form you on time and I forgot to tell you that I'm giving you a day off, go and enjoy your day, Nandini. Anyways now I'm going bye..bye"

Take care


I kept his note back on the table, a smile tugged at the corner of my mouth.

I closed my eyes and the days begin to move in reverse, slowly ticking backward. Whenever I relive those days in my mind and whenever I go back in time and think about the days we have spent together, I always feel a kind of joy bubbling through my veins.

There were only few people who knew the real him and now I can say I'm one of them. With time he started opening up with me, he has told me few thing about his past, not everything but surely a few things and it mattered a lot for me. In these last few weeks, I started adapting his habits, and now his sadu serious face is always decorated with a charming smile. All my days now were only spent with him. They used to start with him and also end with him. We were nothing like each other. Everything about us was completely different than the other. Yet we managed to find so many similarities in just these differences.

Sometime I failed to believe that we were the same Nandini and Manik who would blame each other for every little thing, in past we had nothing to do with each other's life but he has became the centre of my world, my entire world revolves around him.

In these few weeks, he had treated me like a fragile doll. Now we were used to hugging and kissing each other, he would often steal a kiss from me and sometimes I gave him but we never spoke about it. The gesture came naturally to both of us and it was more like a part of our relationship.

And trust me there can be found no words in any damn dictionary of the world which can express the emotions that I felt in that very moment. And in that very moment I knew. I knew that we weren't just friends but we were much more than that.

Days passed and we followed the same daily routine and I kind of loved it, the sense normalcy and the comfort zone we have built in our relationship, now we both behave like typical couples, who bicker about each other but still can't manage to stay away from each other.

With all this thoughts and memories, just by thinking about them, I felt like my heart would melt any time, all this while I felt like we had a connection, strong connection which tied us together no matter what the situation is, he will be there for me and I will be there for him, forever.

I was jolted out of my reverie when my phone started ringing, I saw Aman's flashing on the screen, I picked it up.

"Hello, Aman"

"Nandini Ma'am, are you on leave?" He asked his voice edgy.

"Yes I'm, actually Manik is out of town so he has given me a day off" I replied, I could practically feel the tension crackling in the air.

"Ma'am I'm really sorry for disturbing you but can you please come to the office"

"What happened, Aman, is everything alright?" I intermittent, not wanting to extend the conversation too long.

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