Chapter 74

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I have tried my best to pull out on this update and I hope it came out as I wanted it to, your comments will tell me for sure. So don't forget to drop them. Anyways enjoy reading and no questions for today just a thank you for reading my story.

I had sprawled myself on the floor as I was crying loudly. His words played back in my mind like a cassette. He was right on his place. I have been selfish all the time. I have played with him like he was a toy. I lied, cheated and backstabbed him and when I had the chance to undo all the errors, I committed another one. Rather than confronting him, I made him walk out on me. And he walked out on me so easily. It was hard for me to swallow that I lost him. I had almost lost everything that I had ever lived for.

After a moment I felt a familiar touch on my knees. I raised my head to look at him. He came close to me and the beats of sweat and tears with the backside of his hand. I inhaled heavily and let the breath out. I clutched the edge of his sleeves, and looked directly into his eyes with intense relief.

Next moment, I sprung up on my foot and locked him in my embrace. I shoved my face in his chest to assure myself that it was actually him and I wasn't dreaming. He stumbled back because of my sudden attack but he somehow managed himself and me in his arms.

"How could you leave me alone? How dare you? You promised to stay by side then what happened to that promise? You don't value your own words." I mumbled against his chest. My voice broke, tears in my eyes and lump in my throat made it difficult for me to see or talk. He attempted to break the hug but I collapsed onto his chest, everything felt so light and relieved.

"You wanted me to leave," He said in low voice almost inaudible voice. He sound completely and utterly defeated. The look of hurt on his face pained me, I couldn't deal with it.

"There were a lot of things that I wanted you to do but you never did it then why now?" I asked, fisting his collar through my hands. He hauled me closed to his chest when he realized I was losing my breath. I rested my head against his chest without a word as I was drained out both mentally and physically.

"I went to check on Aaral." He revealed. I breathed a sigh of relief, somehow assuring myself that I was over thinking and he never left me alone. Even the thought of leaving me alone never crossed his mind.

"By the way, Nandini you were telling me to leave since so long. You even shut the door on my face. Then why are you crying when I left? It shouldn't affect you. I only left for few minutes how will you deal when I will leave you forever?" He darted point blank staring right into my eyes.
His gaze invaded my soul and the way he narrowed his eyes, it seemed like he had read everything written in them.

"That isn't happening. You are not leaving me again. I won't let you leave me." I breathed, struggling to console myself. I didn't know who I was trying to prove him or me. I looked like rather than him I was assuring myself. But why not, I needed it more than him. Despite my words, his eyes didn't have an ounce of fear in them and mine were horror-struck like I nearly escaped death. Maybe because losing him was more like losing my life.

"Come in with me," I grabbed his hand and dragged him inside the room. I made him sit on the bed and I knelt beside him.

"Nandini, what are you doing?" He said while holding shoulders when he saw me going on my knees.

"No, let me do this. I owe it to you," I pleaded, removing his hand from my shoulders. He let them go and gripped my hand firmly.

"Today, you made me realised a lot of things. I've realised that I've been a coward all my life. I keep running away from difficult situations. I avoid taking strong decisions but in a way or other running away is also a decision. It's a wrong decision."

"In my fear, I forgot that my choices affects your life too. We are not two but one. I could have told you about your mother, whatever I knew but I didn't, I let you live with lots of miss understandings. I kept trolling you and Dhurv together because I feared breaking his heart. I hate to confess but I would have walked out if I hadn't fallen in love with you. But in my selfishness I forgot to think about you,"

"You know, the best thing about you is, you never lie but with me it has always been different. I keep secrets, a lot of them."

"Since so long I was aware that you never slept with that girl but I never confronted you. She told me that something is bothering you but I care to find it out."

"I lied to you about my complications as well. I blamed you for my condition without thinking that you didn't even knew anything about it. You were always blamed for the things you never did because you never let your pain out. You always kept it hidden or masked it behind your anger. That didn't mean it wasn't there, it's just we failed to see it."

"Today, I realised that it was all my fault. I started everything. I wouldn't have felt guilty for all this if you wouldn't have choose to tell me about all this. I'm sorry, sorry for everything I just expected a lot from you without giving you anything.I kept ignoring my mistakes and you suffered because of them, I should have confronted you but I was so drained out. I always prioritised my pain." I couldn't complete, my voice broke. I wanted to tell him more, how I feel about him. I wasn't innocent. I played the damn victim card here without realising my share of mistakes.

"I'm still doing the same. I keeping you away from your wife and daughter because I stand against my father. And you are letting me to do it because you love me, selflessly." I added, he kept his finger on my lips, stopping me from continuing further.

"Nandini, you don't have to do this. I said it all just to bring you out of the room. Nothing else. Don't loath yourself Nandini, you created a new person within me. You taught me how to love." He said, kneeling down beside me, cupping my face between his hands. I removed his finger from my lips.

"I didn't, you already knew it. And please let me do it, it's important for me." I responded, kissing his hand lightly.

""I know, I don't deserve to be with you but I want to be, I need you as much as you need me. I'm sorry for all the wrong choices I have made. I'm sorry for all the pain I have caused you. I'm sorry for the lies I have told you. I'm sorry for all the things that I kept away from you. At last I'm sorry for depriving you from my love." I apologised. I wanted to show him that we were equal. Both of us were wrong here, it wasn't entirely his fault. I am no better than him, no where near perfection.

"Nandini, It's okay, I don't want to hold it against you. Even I was at the fault. I cannot expect from you forgive me or give me another chance if I won't choose to forgive you. That's the wrong thing we both do. We assume a lot about each other when we should communicate to each other. We both just leave each other's side when we should stand by each other's side. And this time I am not leaving you, we can work through this." He said softly, cupping my face in his palm. I couldn't believe he was forgiving me so early, so easily. I made him beg for my forgiveness. Tears spring to my eyes when I thought about the things he had gone through because of me.
It must have been painful for a man like Manik  to stay all alone. It must have been suffocating to bury all the pain inside and pretend like nothing happened.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done it with you. You should not forgive me so early. I treated you like shit when you begged for my forgiveness. Here you are forgiving me so easily without any complaints. Tell me what to do for your forgiveness, I will do whatever it takes to make you forgive." I pleaded, today I have realised that no one is innocent in this world. And one person can't be entirely wrong it's not possible. We human, we are not flawless, we are not perfect in fact we are full of flaws. We make a lot of mistakes. You cannot blame one person for everything. And you have to forgive others if you expect from them to forgive you. Don't make anyone beg for your forgiveness because there will be one day you'll be on there place asking for the same thing you never gave. Every coin has two side and every story has two parts. It's just we refused to accept truth and our faults.

"Don't give up on us. Take a stand for us in front of your father and this I'll be there for you. All the time, you have been facing him alone but not this time. This time we will do it together. Just stay by side Nandini that's it." He asked and I blinked my eyes in assurance. It was difficult for me to agree but I had to, I have ruined my relationship because of my fears and now I have to take a stand for us. He was always there for me whenever I needed him and now it was my turn to prove my love for him.

"I will do it and it's not because you are telling me to do it. I'm doing it because I want to, because I love you." I confessed softly. It was strangely beautiful me confessing my love after so long.

"You do what, say it another time." He sobbed hard, that moment I pitied him. I know, I shouldn't but I never thought there will be someday I would see him like this. Crying like a child, begging for love, so vulnerable.

"Because I love you," I repeated, a big smile played on his lips.

"One last time, please." He beseeched.

"I love you" I conceded. He stared at me with love filled eyes. It felt so awesome to have him back again in my life. I was content.

""Oh god I love you, Nandini. And I can't be without you. I want no one but you. I love you a lot." He professed and slammed his lips against mine. He pressed his fingers on to my arms, my hand went through his hair. We kissed and we kissed like there was no tomorrow. It was so wild, passionate in its own way. It was so unlike anything I'd ever felt. There was nothing for a moment - no me, no him , not the world, no past, no future, no existence at all. The entire universe seemed to have shrunk into that moment - the present.

I kissed him with every bit of my energy and breath. We broke the kiss, panting hard. He hugged me so tightly. It was like visiting home after so long he was my home. I buried my face into his chest. His hearts beats were so fast. I could almost hear his heart beating against my ear.  I threw my arms around his body as I breathed in his scent deeply. I closed my eyes against his chest. This was the best place in this world, the only place where I knew I could be myself. The only place where I was safe, not for the time being but till eternity.

"I love you" We both said it together and broke the hug.

"Manik , make love to me, I want to feel you "i demanded.

"We aren't going to do something like that, our relationship was never based on physical needs. It is more and we both aren't ready for this. We should take it slow." He said kissing my forehead, his voice was so calm, full of peace.

"Though I would love to do it again and again with you," He teased, I smacked his chest. He burst out laughing.

"But I love you thousands times more than I lust for you so we can wait" he confessed, I felt overwhelmed by his confession.

"And if you want to feel something, feel it "He said and bought my hand near his heart. 

"It belongs to you, my heart, my soul everything belongs to you, take them they are yours" I touched his heart and felt his heartbeat running wild in his chest, as if telling me how happy he was, how much he loves me. I kissed his heart. He smiled at me. I stayed silent as I didn't want either of us to speak or ruin it. I snuggled into him, closing my eyes, the feeling was so amazing. I felt content like nothing could harm me.

That is how we both are, so crazy for each other. Probably we are same in a way or poles apart in another way. But it was like finding a missing piece of my soul. It was like finding my home after so long.

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