IV- breaking the ice

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day 1

Owen and (Y/n) conversed for a little longer and then went back inside just in time for lunch.

The dining room had a long table with four seats either side and one chair at the head of the table. Tim insisted on taking the seat at the end since he was the leader, honestly he seemed like he was on too much of a power trip to even think about the implications of the situation they were all in.

"You two finally decide to join us." Tim cocked his head to the side upon Owen and (Y/n)'s entrance.

"You guys were out on the beach, right? What's the beach like?!" Dottie asked excitedly. Before either Owen or (Y/n) could let a single syllable past their lips she was already patting the empty seat next to her enthusiastically. "Oh! I've got a spare chair right here!"

Owen gave (Y/n) a final smile and went to sit down next to Dottie on the end of the table.

The only other space next was between Eli and Hana, both of whom set (Y/n) on edge but all of them did that in their own way.

She had Max opposite her. He seemed like the most normal of them all, and definitely the most desperate to leave.

"I made lunch for you guys, I just put this frozen pie in the oven. Hope it tastes good." Angelo introduced the meal. He'd been assigned this meal slot along with a few others on Tim's spreadsheet for the week that he had started up on.

Tim cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. "I thought it would be good for us all to begin to get to know each other."

Max's emerald eyes widened, he wasn't keen on the idea of having to stay here very long and didn't want to get to know the other players a great deal.

"Can we eat first?" Eli whined frustratedly. "I'm so fucking hungry."

"Just some quick things so we can have a good idea of who everyone is." It seemed that the only time Tim would drop his attitude was when speaking to Eli, his words were still the same but his tone became filled with irritation. "Why don't we go around and say what we do for a living? I'll go first. I'm currently shadowing a campaign manager."

"Not currently." Eli corrected. "Currently you're in this shit with the rest of us."

Tim narrowed his eyes at Eli's smug face, it was clear to everyone that these two weren't going to get along. "Fine. Before I ended up here I was shadowing a campaign manager."

"As a translation for the rest of you, it means he was unemployed." Eli looked around to the rest of the table and managed to illicit small smiles on some of the other player's faces, including (Y/n).

Tim huffed before putting his false positivity back on. "Who's next?"

"I've already said that I work with my father, Francis Willows." Bella'a brown eyes were glossed over with disgust at the meal ahead of her, her nose was scrunched up and lips in a tight line. "You said this was frozen, Angelo?"

"Uh, yeah."

"I think I'll pass on lunch." Bella looked near to point of vomitting at the notion of having to eat frozen food.

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