XXX- teams

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day 16

Bella couldn't help the hint of scepticism she felt as she and the others left the dining room. It was unspoken between them but understood that she was herding them to the basement. That way their opponents couldn't disturb them even if they tried.

As far as Bella knew, only the four of them knew about the basement's existence since it had never been marked on the map and the days of exploring the house for new locations were over.

She opened up the door to the sweltering basement and Max paused. "Can't we go to the living room or something?"

"No." She said bluntly, coercing him inside by putting her hand on his back and shoving him forward.

Angelo and (Y/n) went in afterwards. Bella checked that no one had followed them before shutting the door firmly and going down the stairs.

It was still pretty dark and empty down there, just being in this environment brought all of their moods down.

"I can't be the only one of us who thinks it's insanely suspicious that Tim's doing this." Bella said sternly while patting down any of her pink her that had become misplaced due to the humidity.

"You're so paranoid, Bella." (Y/n) replied. "I just think this is his own way of trying to show that he's sorry for what happened."

"It's been weeks." Angelo mentioned, suggesting he agreed with Bella. "Why bring this up now?"

"I'll admit he's a little odd but who isn't? Right, Max?" (Y/n) turned to her friend, wishing he'd be on her side.

He looked a bit conflicted as he sighed deeply. "I really don't know..." Max said vaguely.

"Fine, if this is some ruse then why did you all come down here?" (Y/n) challenged.

"I need to speak to you all anyway and this is a good chance to do so." Bella explained coolly. "Angelo and I had a bit of a... Negative encounter with Owen last week."

Angelo's pale blue eyes went large with fear. "Bella." He warned in alarm. "Are you sure we should be talking about this?" He gestured robotically at (Y/n) who knitted her eyebrows inwards.

"What happened?"


"Bella!" Angelo interrupted, Owen had threatened to hurt them if (Y/n) was to find out about what he'd said and done.

Bella's red lips formed a tight line as it looked as though she was contemplating ignoring the sound advice Angelo was giving her. "We only think you should be wary of him." She condensed what it was massively, missing out him choking her, threatening them and his general creepy behaviour that had got them to that point.

Max and (Y/n) shared a sceptical look. "Can't you just tell us what happened?" She asked again.

"Nothing happened." Angelo cut in quickly before Bella even had the opportunity to sprout out the truth. "It's just... A hunch. You should be careful with him, (Y/n)."

"Why me specifically?" (Y/n) squinted, she hated how all of it seemed to come back to her. The whisky, the message and now this.

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