ENDING- owen valentine

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day 100

Owen felt like he was more relaxed than he should've been... He couldn't force himself to stress himself over this.

There was nothing more he could do, he could either be with (Y/n) or die... Those had always been the only two options in his mind since falling for her.

Of course he wanted to get chosen, that would be the ideal he'd pick in a heartbeat but Owen had always been somewhat prepared for death in a morbid way.

It was only fair after all of the death he caused.

But Owen believed he was living in a world governed by morality and justice, (Y/n) rightfully belonged to him so if there was any justice in the world then he would get picked and if he didn't... Then that wasn't a world he was interested in living in.

He'd said that he would just kill whoever she chose if it wasn't him and if he could then he definitely would. But with an impenetrable locked door between him and the rest of the house then that threat became dreadfully empty.

'Would she have picked by now?' He thought to himself. The hour still wasn't up but maybe (Y/n) had already made her decision.

She had maintained throughout the whole process that she truly did not know who she was taking with her, and if that was the case then she was likely making up her mind during this hour. It was also entirely possible that she had known who she was taking all along and said their name in the first moment.

But no, the (Y/n) Owen knew and loved wasn't that deceitful.

She was probably deliberating with herself as he thought this, Owen could only hope and pray that she understood who she belonged to.

His packed bag sat at the foot of his bed, ready to be taken away back to the real world.

Back to shore that he loved so much... The beach here was nice and all but it didn't have the same memories of the beach back at Owen's old town.

He'd tell people some lie and about going away to put any rumours of kidnapping to rest. He would return as a line cook and eventually work his way up to head chef, all with his beautiful wife by his side.

Owen planned on marrying (Y/n) as quick as he could, it would really solidify their connection in the eyes of the law.

He'd see his friends and family again and maybe let a select few of them meet (Y/n). Owen didn't feel entirely comfortable with the idea of (Y/n) leaving the house without his supervision or talking to others, but there might be a couple of close people who he'd trust around her for short periods of time.

He frowned a bit, it would be such a shame if (Y/n) weren't to choose him and all these plans would go right down the drain.

But he didn't need to worry about that, the sound of the bell brought a satisfied smile to Owen's face.

He glanced up.

Congratulations, Owen Valentine, you've won the game.

'You did it, (Y/n).' He thought.

Owen calmly picked up his bag and strolled out of his now unlocked door. He looked as though he had arrived at his hotel on vacation as he walked the halls with a leisurely beam.

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