XLIV- justice

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day 34

Max was waiting at the bottom of the staircase leading down from the attic the next morning.

"I can't believe this is happening." He muttered to (Y/n) when she walked out. "I woke up this morning thinking that it was a dream."

(Y/n) nodded in agreement. "How can we even do this? How are we supposed to know who... Did that?"

"Well... You know I didn't, right?"

"Of course, Max."

(Y/n) and Max shared a quick and tight hug and then headed downstairs together where the trial was being eagerly awaited.

Everyone was gathered in the living room with Bella harshly isolated from the rest of the group. The very second Max and (Y/n) entered a message came through to the screen.

Who doesn't love an unbiased jury?

Sarcasm practically radiated out of it as Tim narrowed his eyes at the message. Whose side was the Gamemaster even on? Sometimes it was impossible to tell.

"God..." (Y/n) mumbled out, going to sit down with the guilt hitting her even harder now. Bella was going to recieve an unfair trial no matter what she did, everyone knew her and had their own personal experiences with her and unfortunately for Bella she hadn't exactly gone out of her way to make herself likeable.

Tim stood up once everyone was sat and ready. "I know that the Gamemaster's message is... True but we must try to remain impartial and put any personal feelings aside in this." He said to the group, ironically driven by his own personal feelings. "We will hear Bella defend herself since she is our only suspect and then we will act as jury and vote on the final verdict and if she's found guilty we will decide what to do."

Tim laid out how things were going to work and Bella quickly stood up in protest.

"The only suspect?" She said indignantly. "May I propose another?"

Tim frowned, if Bella displayed any good evidence about any of them then things could get very complicated very quickly but if he didn't let her have this opportunity then he'd be seen as a tyrant who was trying to convict Bella.

"You may as part of your statement and if it's compelling we'll request a statement from them too."

(Y/n) gulped upon hearing this. What if someone suggested that she had done it? She had to be pretty high up on the list considering she found the body. What poor (Y/n) didn't know is that no one in the room would dream of accusing her of something like that.

Tim sat back down and gestured for Bella to begin. (Y/n) was about to bring her hand to her mouth so she could nervously chew at her nails but before she could her hand was taken by Owen.

He clutched her hand in his and offered her a convincingly sad smile.

"It's so ridiculous that I have to defend myself like this but this whole... Thing is pretty ridiculous... I didn't kill him, just because I was upset with Angelo at the time doesn't mean that I'd murder him. I was in my room all night as I had been for the past few days. Do you really think my distrust would lead me to murder? I've been distrustful in everyone here since day one and you're all alive and kicking!" Bella delivered her speech with her usual air of professionalism, but no amount of professionalism was going to do her any good when her fate had already been decided.

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