LXXXIV- dolly

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day 79

Dottie leaned over (Y/n) as she slept with a smile stretched across her freckled face. She knew if she wanted to spend the day with (Y/n) then she'd have to get her early.

"Honey~" Dottie cooed quietly but it did nothing to wake (Y/n). Dottie pouted and poked at (Y/n)'s cheek gently. "My love~?"

"Ugghhh..." (Y/n) rolled over so her face was pushed into her pillow.

Dottie giggled and started to run her hands through the mess mass of (h/c) hair that had accumulated over the night. "It's me, sweetheart."

"Ten more minutes..." (Y/n) groaned, yearning for more sleep.

"Okay, but then you have to get up. You're spending the day with me." Dottie announced cheerily.

"The day?" (Y/n) rolled over to face Dottie. "Does everyone else know about this?"

Dottie ruffled up (Y/n)'s hair. "Don't worry about it."

(Y/n) frowned, she could take that answer as a blanket 'no'.

"Once you're all dressed and ready come to my room and we can have breakfast there." Dottie started walking towards the door. "Remember? Way back when we were first here and we had lunch together."

"Oh yeah..." (Y/n) recalled the early days with a sense of nostalgia though she wasn't sure if she could look back with much fondness. "I'll be there in like... Half an hour."

"Okay, sweetie, but if you're not in my room by then I won't be as nice waking you up." Dottie teased before leaving.

(Y/n) barely caught the end of the sentence as she drifted back off to sleep.

(Y/n) didn't run into anyone in the hallway on the way to Dottie's room, presumably because it was earlier than (Y/n) would usually be up so they didn't see much point at being awake at this time either.

She pushed Dottie's door open slowly out of nerves, (Y/n) wished she could just put her guard down already. She'd submitted to them, in theory this should mean that she didn't have anything to worry about anymore. But her fear refused to subside.

"Can I come in?" She asked once the door was open.

Dottie clapped her hands together after awaiting (Y/n) for what felt like days. "Of course! You know it was getting close to thirty minutes and I was going to go and get you myself."

(Y/n) unenthusiastically smiled a little and took a few steps inside before Dottie dahsed over and guided her to sit down at the table for two she'd set up.

Slices of toast with a multitude of different jams, jellies and spreads were laid out as well as a pot of tea. (Y/n) stared at the table with wide eyes as Dottie pushed her shoulders to sit down.

"If you don't like this I can make you something else!" Dottie offered quickly.

"No, no, this is... This is perfect, thank you, Dottie."

The brunette beamed. "It's no problem at all! I'd happily make breakfast for you every single day!"

"That's very sweet of you." (Y/n) reached out to take a piece of toast but Dottie beat her to it.

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