LXXXVIII- silly things

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day 82

Hana had taken Tim's usual place in the centre of the seating in the living room. She was in a state of inner conflict concerning (Y/n), what happened in the sea wasn't a big deal on the surface it only meant that she shouldn't go off on her own. But that wasn't what Hana wanted for (Y/n), she wasn't a child in need of supervision but when she was endlessly coddled and never allowed to do anything for herself that was what she'd become.

"We need to give (Y/n) more independence." She stated to the group.

"She almost drowned, Hana, because she was alone. I really don't think that's the solution." Tim refuted.

"No, she almost drowned because she hasn't done anything for herself in so long and she can't function by herself."

"She doesn't have to." Dottie said. "(Y/n) doesn't have to be independent, she'll always have one of us protecting her so it doesn't matter."

"You're... Affecting her health." Hana said with disgust. "She's so different now. When you don't allow her to think for herself or do anything on her own she's going to just keep changing and regressing into someone else!"

"Shut up." Eli snapped. "Would you rather when she wanted to die? Or when she hated our guts? What's wrong with you? Don't you love her anymore?"

"That's not what I said." Hana sounded hurt by the notion that she no longer loved (Y/n). That wasn't the case at all, she loved (Y/n) no matter how she was but she just wanted (Y/n) to be happy and this wasn't making her happy it was making her... Complicit.

"You can't get mad at us for trying to protect her." Owen said bitterly.

"That's not-" Hana paused, she grabbed onto her white hair in frustration. "I'm not mad at that and you know I'm not."

Tim took a deep breath before speaking. "Hana, we're all no longer affiliated with each other-"

"I know. I know that because it has to be stated every other day. I'm trying to do what's best for (Y/n) and you all should too... But you're all too selfish." Hana spat.

"This is where you're drawing the line? Seriously?" Eli questioned.

"I want her to be who she is but to do that she needs to be able to make her own decisions." Hana looked around as no one spoke up in support of what she was saying. "You claim to love her yet you're happy to watch her turn into a shell of who she once was because you're just too selfish."

day 85

Over the past few days nothing much had changed despite Hana's passion, Hana knew that the only way for (Y/n) to truly regain her autonomy was if everyone was to allow her. Even if Hana gave her more freedom it didn't stop any of their other housemates from swooping in and taking it away.

Hana also could admit to herself that she wasn't immune to the selfishness she had preached about. She wanted (Y/n) to herself just as much as everyone else and if (Y/n) remained hating them then she wouldn't have said any of that. As long as (Y/n) wanted her then Hana would want her to have her independence, but if (Y/n) were to ever try to leave then Hana would probably go against her own words.

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