LXVII- training

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day 63

(Y/n) had resigned herself to staring at the ceiling. She thought about the sky and all the days that had passed since she last saw it, she thought about heaven and if it were real but most of all she thought about Max.

Was he looking down on her?

Who was she kidding? If Max were looking down on anybody it would be his family and actual friends, not some random girl he met in this traumatic situation. It was hard to come to terms with the fact that if Max and (Y/n) met under nay other circumstances they probably wouldn't have granted the other the time of day.

This was just how she existed now, wallowing in her misery boredly until one of them comes into her room to give her food, annoy her or both. The latter increasingly seemed to be the case. Breakfast had been an event and a half with both Tim and Eli and lunch wasn't that much better.

"I made it." Hana said, a bowl of stew rested in her lap. "It's my mother's recipe."

(Y/n) tilted her head so instead of staring upwards she was looking right into Hana's yellow eyes. "I'm not hungry."

"Yes, you are. You're just sad." Hana wanted so badly to be empathetic towards (Y/n) about Max's death and one would think she would be considering she was most opposed to it. But while Hana understood that death was bad and murder was wrong she had never experienced grief and wasn't sure how to relate to it. "Now please eat."

(Y/n) rolled her eyes and took the bowl. She spooned a few mouthfuls of the rich vegetable stew into her mouth quickly. "There. Happy?"

"You must finish it."

"Then will you leave me alone?" (Y/n) requested.

Hana shuffled forward to sit closer to (Y/n). "Why don't you want to be around me?"

"Are you being serious?"

Hana continued looking at (Y/n) with enlarged eyes hinting that she indeed didn't understand why (Y/n) was pushing her away.

"My friend is..." (Y/n) paused and cast her gaze down, a shadow fell over the face. "He's dead and you were a part of that. I want to be able to process this but I can't do that with you or Tim or someone else popping up every five minutes."

"I'm giving you food." Hana sounded almost offended. "I'm taking care of you, (Y/n). You should be grateful."

"Grateful??" (Y/n) exclaimed. "You've murdered my friends, locked me up and now you ask me to be grateful for that."

Hana wanted desperately to point out that she was actively saving Bella's life but there was still some uncertainty around how much longer Bella would last down there so Hana chose not to get (Y/n)'s hopes up. "You're my entire world, (Y/n), I love you so much... Why can't you return any of my love?"

"I don't want to talk to you about this." (Y/n) muttered and was about to continue eating but Hana pulled the bowl away from her, a small amount the stew spilled out and hit (Y/n)'s bed sheets.

"We're talking about it." Hana narrowed her eyes and then placed the bowl down in the floor. "You should apologize to me."

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