XXXVII- control freak

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day 25

Tim was sat at his desk in his study, his pen poised and ready. He had to spill all these loud thoughts out of his head and onto the page.

The plan was slow moving but it was going to pick up very soon. He could hardly wait, that was when the real work could begin.

He scribbled out rough ideas of how the weeks to come would play out but it was impossible to know.

This account he'd been keeping was quickly turning into a diary filled with his own personal feelings and motives more than any events.

He kept a diary avidly in school and college, starting it up again made him think back on those days.

"No! That's not how the game is played!" A young blonde boy of seven years old cried out.

He had five sisters with ages ranging from sixteen to four. They stared back at him as he tried to organise their game of hide and seek.

"Timmy, it's okay, Annie's only little she doesn't fully understand the rules." His eldest sister, Nat, said calmly. "She and I can just hide together." She took the hand of the Rubio's youngest child and sqeezed the little girl's hand.

"But that's not how it's played!" Tim whined. "If you're not going to play by the rules then there's no point in playing at all."

"Why do you always have to get so bossy?" Another one of his sister's moped. "Can't we start?"

"Only if we play by the actual rules and not some made up ones."

"Then we'll just play without you." Yet another sister piped up, making the other girls laugh.


"Oh come on, girls, that's not very nice." Nat tutted. "Of course Timmy can play, he just needs to be able to stop being so controlling."

Tim was pouting with his arms crossed.

"Come on..." Nat cooed, letting go of her sisters's hand to go and approach her brother cautiously with her arms held out.

He went to go hug his sister but before he could she was already attacking his middle with tickles that sent him into fits of laughter. Nat and his other sisters laughed along side him.

"Natalia. Tymoteusz." The strong Polish accent of their mother stopped all sound that emitted from the children.

Nat and Tim distanced themselves from each other, not wanting to make their mother too angry.

"Zamknij się. Jesteś zbyt głośny." The woman said, only Natalia could understand Polish so she stepped forward.

"Przepraszam mamo." The girl said apologetically.

The older woman only sneered over the children in the garden and retreated back into the house.

"What did she say?" Tim's next eldest sister, Zuzanna, asked Nat anxiously.

"We need to keep the noise down." Nat said blankly she then smiled again at her siblings. "We can still play, just as long as we don't disturb mama and tata."

All for the children were dead scared of their parents. They hardly saw them and were more raised by Nat than anything. Their mother was someone who made them food or told them off. Their father was just someone who lived in their house, sometimes they'd forget what he looked like.

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