ARC 7 - Chapter 7.5

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Qi Yue and the others soon arrived outside the Capital. In case the Grand Prince had been prepared, they passed the inspection at the city gate dressed as footmen making deliveries into the city.

The ordinary inspection made Qi Yue frown. There was no trouble, but the soldiers stationed at the city gates look very different from the old days. Qi Yue felt a little incredulous at first glance.

In the past, the soldiers at the gates only have the duty of checking the entry into the city. Apart from the armor, they have almost worn away the temperament belonging to the military. The seriousness and fierceness were just pretended to scare the outsiders who came to the Capital for the first time.

However, the appearance presented in front of Qi Yue now is very different. These city guards not only have eagle-like eyes but also have a much more serious attitude in carrying out their tasks. The city gates, which were in chaos in the past, are now in order. The clogged and noisy situation has been swept away.

Qi Yue, who had expected the Capital to be a mess with Emperor Hongming locked away and the Grand Prince in power, was surprised when he looked up into the city. The city was still bustling, but the formerly arrogant gentry were much more restrained.

Because Qing Yun was not used to the situation of entrenched families, he had already started to break up these forces. Those families were worried about their own situation, so how would they dare to cause trouble in the Capital as usual?

When he was about to be searched by the officials, Qi Yue suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves coming from behind him and turned his head to look over.

When the soldiers on the city wall saw the scene in the distance, they immediately shouted aloud: “The Imperial Guard is returning to the city, stand at attention against the wall!”

The men running on horseback on the official road gradually appeared in front of people’s eyes. They had shiny armor and good weapons. An intimidating force came from them, especially the leader who had a firm gaze and had an air of power of a dragon and a tiger.

When they reached the city gates, the whole team stopped neatly with a low cry from the leader and entered the gates slowly. These soldiers obviously just returned from training, with the smell of sweat mixed with blood on their bodies.

Although the line was long, all of them were serious from the beginning to the end, and none of them carried the color of relaxation on their faces.

This aura……is the Imperial Guard?

Looked at the mark on the armor of this team, Qi Yue and other people can not help but frown, especially Qi Yue. A strange feeling gradually rose in his heart. He had not returned to the Capital for only one year, so it is difficult to believe that the Imperial Guard of the Capital has transformed into such an exemplary model.

Qi Yue himself is a general, so of course, he can see the strength of this team. Although the bloody and fierce aura is not enough, they have already shown the appearance of tigers and wolves. What is even more remarkable is that these Imperial troops have an advantage that Qi Yue has seen in every army, even in the Northern Army under his own command, and that is discipline.

The military discipline is strict, but the army regulated to such a degree is extremely rare. Qi Yue even noticed that from beginning to end, whether it was the cavalry in front or the infantry in the rear, the posture of the gun in their hands and even the size of their stride are finely measured, without any difference.

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