Chapter 5: The tell

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Amelia walked into the video store to look for some video

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Amelia walked into the video store to look for some video.

She sighed while she was looking around for something to watch.

Suddenly she heard a very familiar voice.

"Can someone help me find the Notebook?" She furrow her brows slightly.

She walked around to see Jackson glancing around making her raise her eyebrows in amusement.

"You're looking for the Notebook?" She asked making him look at her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He asked her.

"I'm looking for a movie dumbass what else." She said making him roll his eyes "Romance section is next to the Horror section." She said with a smirk as she walked down the aisle.

Her smirk fell slightly when she caught the scent of blood making her slow to a stop as she glanced around for a moment.

Jackson was about to walk past her but she held her arm out to stop him.

"What the hell is it?" He asked and she didn't say anything, just nodded at something making him follow her line of sight.

Sticking out of one of the aisle was a pair of feet laying there unmoving.

Amelia slowly walked closer, Jackson following close behind.

They made it to the aisle and slowly peeked around to see the owner, dead on the floor.

Jackson staggers back and tumbles right into the ladder.

It went down, wires snapping with it as a spark flies from the light fixture.

With an electric crackling, all of the lights flicker and die, plunging the store into darkness.

The sound of movement made her spin around and a shelf rattles, DVD cases trembling as something large moves behind it.

Her eyes glowed silver and she growled, knowing exactly what was between them and the exit.

Amelia grabbed Jackson's arm and pull him behind a shelf, him trying to steady his near-hyperventilating breaths.

She didn't even tempt to calm her rapid heart breath or breathing, the Alpha knew where they are.

Being quiet sure as hell wasn't going it change that.

Slowly Jackson peer up above the stacks of DVD's when suddenly, one of the shelves rocks forward.

And then, like dominoes, they begin falling toward them, DVD's flying through the air.

Jackson grabbed her and moves to dart out of the way, but one of the shelves slams down on his back, pinning his body to the floor.

Amelia on the other hand, fell on her back making the shelves press down on her stomach making her groan.

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