Chapter 77: The beast of Beacon Hills

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Stiles and Amelia peeked into Scott's room just as Scott and Kira were pulling away from each other

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Stiles and Amelia peeked into Scott's room just as Scott and Kira were pulling away from each other.

Scott laid back and closed his eyes and Kira turned back to Stiles and Amelia nodding to communicate that they're okay.

Stiles nodded in return while Amelia gave a thumbs up and gently closes the door behind them.

They turned around and saw Breaden, Malia and Zander waiting for them in the hallway.

"What?" Stiles asked slowly when he noticed the look on their faces.

They gave each other a significant look and Stiles and Amelia become even more concerned.

"What? What did he do this time?" Amelia asked and Stiles shot her a look.

Braeden sighed and turned to Malia.

"Tell them." She said making Stiles and Amelia look at Malia confused.

"You know how my mother wants to kill me? I think she might want to kill you guys, too..." Malia told them.

"Okay. Uh, that's disconcerting..." Stiles said nervously "I should probably have a gun." He said.

Malia seems to think this is a reasonable request and looks at Braeden, who scoffs loudly while Zander and Amelia shook their heads.

"No." / "I'm not giving you a gun!/ Are you crazy Stiles?!"

Zander, Braeden and Amelia said at the same time.

Stiles look at them slightly offended.

"You have a gun. The Desert Wolf- who is trying to kill us- has a gun. Lia can turn into a huge wolf! I think I should probably have a gun!"

Malia turned back to Braeden and gave her a look and she rolled her eyes before she takes out her Sig Sauer.

She takes off the clip and gives Stiles a wary look before tossing him the unloaded gun.

Stiles attempts to catch it but fumbles to keep it in his hands until it finally clatters to the ground.

Braeden gives him a look that says,'I told you so' while Malia, Zander and Amelia roll their eyes.

Stiles begins to look embarrassed.

"I probably shouldn't have a gun..." Stiles said awkwardly.

"No you really shouldn't." Amelia told him.

" Amelia told him

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