Chapter 63: Condition terminal

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Scott, Stiles, Zander, Theo and Deaton all ran into the station

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Scott, Stiles, Zander, Theo and Deaton all ran into the station.

The first thing they noticed was the smear of blood and then Deputy Clarke helping Stilinski up.

Scott rushed over to help, while Stiles followed the blood to find Amelia, Brett, Kira and Lydia.

Brett was still holding his jacket around Lydia's waist while Amelia was holding her hand with her eyes glowing bright silver.

Stiles froze as his eyes landed on Lydia while Theo and Zander noticed and ran over them.

Zander crouched down next to his mate, while Theo crouched down next to Brett.

He took his belt off and quickly he got it around Brett's jacket, pulling it tight to help stop the bleeding.

Amelia looked at Theo and she instantly glare at him.

Zander and Brett noticed that, but they didn't said anything.

"Stiles. Stiles. Stiles, come on." Scott said, trying to get Stiles's attention but he just kept his eyes on Lydia.

She looked up at him to see his worried look and she nodded slightly.

"Tracy... Stiles, I'm fine. Help Tracy. Find Tracy. Go." Lydia said and Stiles hesitated for a moment before following Scott.

" Lydia said and Stiles hesitated for a moment before following Scott

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"Stiles." Melissa said as she walked up to them making them turn around.

"How bad is it?" Stiles asked.

"Could have been worse. Lia. Brett, good job with the healing and the jacket and Theo nice going on that tourniquet. You three probably saved her life." Melissa told them.

Zander, Brett, Amelia and Stiles looked towards Theo with squinting eyes.

They still didn't trusted him, especially Amelia after what she saw at the station.

"All right. She's about to go into surgery, so it's going to be a while. Any other supernatural details that I need to know about, or do we just stitch her up and hope for the best?" Melissa asked glancing at everyone.

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