Sirius Black: prank

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Sirius Black was very well know around school, he was known for his good looks, busy sex life and the terrible pranks he would pull on people, with the help of his friends

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Sirius Black was very well know around school, he was known for his good looks, busy sex life and the terrible pranks he would pull on people, with the help of his friends.

"AGGGGGGGG!" You ran to the bathroom to find your good friend and room mate Mary Macdonald with bright green hair. "What on earth-" lily spoke from beside you as you both stared at Mary's new hair colour.

"What in godrick Gryffindors name has happened to me?" Mary cried out. You examined her hair while Lily examined the bathroom.
"What the hell have you done Mary?" You asked trying not to laugh. "I don't bloody know!" She cried.

"I think-" lily said picking up a shampoo bottle. "That this is what happened." You frowned. "How did it turn her hair green?" Lily sighed. "Looks like it was a prank," she said shaking her head.

"But who would do this?" Mary asked, still crying. "Do you really need to ask?" Lily said.
"Sirius Black and James Potter." You said making lily nod.

Later that day you and lily cornered James potter as he made his was to dinner.
"How did you do it Potter?" You asked. He just looked at you confused. "Do what?" Lily sighed. "How did you change the shampoo so Mary's hair would turn green?" James smirked, "it wasn't me Lil's," he said to his crush. "Drop the act potter, Mary can't leave our room because we can't change her hair back." James thought for a moment.

"I didn't have anything to do with that prank, I've been in detention all day!" He said with a smile. Lily sighed before nodding, she believed him so you both let him go.

"That leaves one culprit." You said to your friend. "Sirius black." Lily nodded.

~~Time Skip~~

You had pondered all after noon how you'd get Sirius Black back for what he did, you thought about turning his hair green too but knowing Sirius Black he'd start a trend and have even more girls falling for him.

"You shouldn't fight fire with fire Y/N." lily said but you ignored her. "You'll just get burnt." Mary added even though she wanted to make Sirius pay.

You ignored them both and stalked out of your room and over to the boys dormitory. You didn't know what you were going to do but you were definitely going to do something. That's when you saw Sirius leave his room and walked over to the boys bathroom. You followed him, hiding every now and again so he couldn't see you.

Sirius turned on the shower and stepped in after removing his clothes. You just stood outside the boys bathroom, you couldn't go in, you were obviously female and what would you do when you were in there?

You took a deep breath and stepped into the unholy ground known as the boys bathroom. You looked around and found a few showers occupied by boys but thankfully they hadn't noticed your presence.

You slowly walked over to the shower Sirius was using, he was whistling loudly as he scrubbed his body. His clothes and towel were folded neatly by the shower so you took your opportunity and snatched them.

You bolted out of the Gryffindor boys bathroom but Sirius noticed a figure running with his things so he chased after you.

"Get back here!" He yelled chasing you through the corridors but you ran as fast as you could out into the courtyard where a bunch of Students were sat, including the marauders.

"Oi!" Sirius yelled as you stopped in the court yard.
"What the yell are you playing at?" He snapped. "Revenge is sweet." You said with a sinister smirk.

"Padfoot?" James said as everyone stared at Sirius.
The courtyard erupted in fits of laughter as Sirius clamped his hand over his naked member.

"You gunna help me or what?" Sirius said looking at his group of friends.
"Sorry mate but I'm not going anywhere near you until you got some clothes on," remus laughed.

Mary stood with Lily watching the whole show going on in front of them. "I think you owe her an apology," you said looking over at Mary, Lily had finally turned her hair back.

"Bloody hell i'm sorry okay? It was just a prank!" Sirius said shivering.
"Good boy," you said as you threw him his towel. Sirius wrapped it around himself.

"Alright now give me my clothes," you just shook your head. "That was never part of the deal!" You said giggling before running off.

Sirius yelled your name before chasing after you again.
Everyone still laughing.
"Who knew she'd actually go prank him," Lily said proudly.
"About time somebody got him back." Remus said watching as his friend tried to catch you. "You're next!" Mary said looking at James and Peter who both shared a look of fear.

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