James Potter: Heart Break 3

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You rubbed your hands together as you waited in the line, fingerless gloves were useless in this weather you thought to yourself

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You rubbed your hands together as you waited in the line, fingerless gloves were useless in this weather you thought to yourself.

"Hot chocolate please," you said, your hot breath turning to misy in the cold air. You turned and walked away from the hot beverage stall and continued to look through the Christmas market.

You stopped in your tracks when you came face to face with a very small child with a dummy in his mouth, looking at some toys on a nearby stall.

He seemed to be alone as everyone walked past him. "Hello," you said as you bent down to look at him.
The boys had messy black hair and chubby cheeks.

"Hubuu," the small child said while sucking on the dummy. "Are you lost?" You asked as the boy came closer to you so you could pick him up.

"Shall we go find your mammy?" You asked in a silly voice that made the boy laugh. "Harry!" You heard a familiar voice bellow through the street.

"Harry!" The boy let out a happy giggle as a man came running towards you. "Where have you been!" The man said sounding relieved when he saw the child.

"Thank you so much!" He said and that's when you felt like your feet had been pulled from underneath you and the wind had been knocked out of you.

James seemed to have the same reaction as he held his son but said nothing.

You couldn't help but notice that James looked ever so slightly older and boy did it suit him.

"Y/N," he said quietly. "Hello James," you said with a small smile. "Is this your little boy?" You said smiling at the child. "Yeah- say hi Harry,' Harry waved at you.

"Thank you for finding him!" He said, you just nodded. "I'd better be-" James cut you off. "How are you?"

It took you a minute to think of a reply. "Better," you said and he nodded. "How about you?" You asked.

"I'm good," he said, "I'm um- I'm married now," it crushed you to hear that he had moved on with his life because seeing him in the flesh made you realise that you hadn't.

"And you've got a very handsome son!" You said making the boy giggle as you tickled him. "Thank you," James said realising how truly broken you must of felt in the moment.

"I'd better be going," you said.
"I'm sorry about what happened Y/N," James said startling you. "If I could go back and change it-" you smiled.

"You've got a lovely family now James, don't be so silly." You said as tears flooded your eyes. James leaned forward to embrace you, to Comfort you but you just stiffened up before uttering "I'd best be off," and turning to leave.

James always thought about what life could of been like if your baby had survived, if he'd said the right things that night. He wondered what your child would look like but most of all he wondered if you missed him as much as he missed you.


Now I usually wouldn't post Jily fanart but that shit fucking killed me and I needed to share it with you guys!

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