Remus Lupin: Blood Status 4

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Friday came too quickly for you, before you knew it you were making your way over to the Gryffindor headquarters with a scowl on your face that just dared anyone to look at you in the wrong way

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Friday came too quickly for you, before you knew it you were making your way over to the Gryffindor headquarters with a scowl on your face that just dared anyone to look at you in the wrong way. It was lights out so every student was tucked up in bed where as you were forced to go meet your least favourite boy.

"Looks like your dates here moony," James teased as he saw you.
"Why aren't you in bed?" You asked in a dry tone. "Somebody's not in a good mood," Peter added. "Whatever gave you that idea?" You said sarcastically. "Don't get your knickers in a twist," Sirius said. "If you do Remus is never gunna get lucky!" He laughed with the boys, Remus smirked at them.

"Hurry up and go to bed." You said, you didn't feel like arguing with them.
"Oh, she's keen! Use protection Moony!" James said walking away. "Don't worry, he's not a pure blood, she'd never have his kid!" Peter said making you frown.
"Your right, I wouldn't have his kid, not because of his blood status, but because of his ugly mug!" James and Sirius smirked as Remus frowned at you.

"He's almost as ugly as you!" Peter frowned as his friends burst into fits of laughter. "Now hurry up and go to bed, before the other kids start to think the boogie man goes to hogwarts." Peter stormed off sulking as his friends called him the boogie man.

"What?" You snapped at a smirking Remus who just held his hands up and smiled at you. "Sorry you gotta spend your Friday night with my ugly mug." He said before turning around to start patrol. You rolled your eyes before following behind him.

Each pair of prefects on duty tonight were given a section of the school for them to patrol, as usual, so you and Remus walked down one of the corridors assigned to you both in complete silence, it was a pleasant silence for you though since usually the only thing coming out of Remus's mouth was insults to your house.

The castle was a very old building, the tiles on the floor were sometimes uneven so it came as no surprise when you felt yourself stumble over one of the tiles sticking out. You expected yourself to graze your knees on your way down but Remus grabbed hold our your wrist and snagged you away from the cold floor.

"Thanks-" you said awkwardly as straightened yourself out.
"Don't mention it," he said before continuing to walk, it almost seemed as if he was pouting with you. "Did I offend you that much?" You asked making him turn to look at you. "Huh?" Was all he said.

"When I said you had an ugly mug, did I really upset you that much?" Remus shrugged.
"You didn't upset me but it wasn't the most pleasant thing to learn that you find me repulsive to look at." He said shocking you, you didn't expect him to be honest with you.

"Oh please, like I don't repulse you too!" You said with a role of your eye.
"No, you don't." Remus said shocking you once again, you didn't know how to reply to that so you let silence consume the moment.

"Have you always been so quick with your words?" Remus asked with a smirk on his lips, "poor worm tail didn't stand a chance against you." He chuckled. "You have to be quick with your words when you're in Slytherin, everyone hates you." You said with a shrug.

"I don't hate you," you didn't know why but when Remus said that, it gave you butterfly's.
"What are you up to?" You asked with a frown. "You said I don't repulse you and you don't hate me?" Remus just smirked at you. "Isn't it okay for a guy to be nice to a pretty girl?" You prayed that your cheeks didn't turn red.

While you and Remus talked you paused by a window, the view was stunning, you were looking over a moon lit lake and it was really a sight to see. "Oh look, a full moon," you said snapping Remus's gaze from you.

"Shit-" he said before stepping away from the window. "How didn't I remember-"
"What's wrong?" You asked, suddenly Remus began to shake slightly. "Stay here!" Was all Remus said before he bolted down the corridor.

You were left stood in the corridor by yourself, more confused than ever.
"I bet he's going to that party!" You thought to yourself, without a second thought you sprinted in the direction Remus left in, ready to catch him out.

Remus ran like a man possessed, he was so quick you'd pretty much lost sight of him, you wouldn't of found him if it wasn't for the muffled crys coming from his bedroom.

Now as a girl who's from Slytherin, you'd never dare to go into a Gryffindor boys dorm room but you needed to catch him out and find out why he had ran away from you so quickly.

You took a deep breath before you forced the door open, Remus had pushed some junk in front of it in an attempt to keep everyone out.

"What's going on?" You asked as you saw Remus hunched over in pain. "I'll go get the nurses!" You said but Remus yelled for you to stop. "Just- shut the door and-" Remus let out and fierce noise that made you jump.

"Go find my friends-" he begged and that's exactly what you did. You slammed he door shut and ran out of the Gryffindor head quarters in search for the Marauders, only problem was Remus had let them and he other Gryffindor students sneak to the party with out you realising and you didn't know where the party was.

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