Sirius Black: Heart Broken

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You and Sirius Black were a couple, you were the only girl in the entire school who was able to turn Sirius Black, the man who had bedded half of the school, into a love strucken teenager who had finally settled down

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You and Sirius Black were a couple, you were the only girl in the entire school who was able to turn Sirius Black, the man who had bedded half of the school, into a love strucken teenager who had finally settled down. Many found the news so shocking that they assumed you had used a love potion on him but no, he just loved you.

It started out as something so simple, originally you were just one of the many girls that Sirius fancied a taste of but after Sirius spoke to you he felt the lust that filled him slowly begin to mix with more feelings, over time the two of you became friends and those feelings bloomed into feelings of love.

You told yourself that you were an idiot for falling in love with Sirius, he was the one boy notoriously known for breaking hearts and you had just unwillingly handed him yours on a plate but to your surprise Sirius handed you his too, which was something he'd never done before.

You entered the common room, expecting it to be empty owing to the fact that it was late at night but when you stepped through the portrait hole you saw three of the Marauders that you'd grown to befriend due to your relationship with Sirius Black.

"Oh hello," you said with a smile. "Y/N-" Remus said sounding shocked. "Oh gosh, you're not going to give me detention are you?" You teased the prefect. "Hah, no." Was all Remus said.

All three boys looked rather pale at the sight of you. "What are you up to this time?" You said assuming you'd just walked in on them causing trouble. "Nothing," James said with a smile, you didn't know it but he had to force the smile onto his face.

"Where's Sirius?" You asked still smiling.
"What are you doing up?" Peter asked quickly, changing the subject.
"Oh, I left my wand in the dinner hall," you said feeling like a numpty for misplacing it again.

Usually the boys would tease you by now, make a joke about you being so forgetful that you'd forget where Sirius' penis was if he wasn't such a dick head or something along those lines but right now James, Remus and Peter just stood there staring at you with looks of sorrow and regret but you didn't know why.

"Is everything okay?" You asked getting worried. "Where's Sirius?" You asked again but the boys didn't utter a single word, they just shared the same look of awkwardness.

You pushed past the three of them, hitting James the most as you passed him.
"Y/N-" James said as he took hold of your wrist. "I'm begging you- don't go up there." He said, sadness running through his words.

You pulled away from James, he sighed as he watched you climb the stairs to the boys rooms. "Poor girl." Remus said as he sat down, his head in his hands. Peter mimicked his actions, covering his ears because he knew you'd end up in tears after this but James just stood there staring up at the stairs, he felt terrible.

You went straight to Sirius' shared room, you'd been there so many times by now. You pushed the bedroom door open and began to say Sirius' name but your voice fell silent as you looked at what was in front of you.

You could see Sirius, a sweating, panting mess. His hair was slick with sweat, his muscles tensed as he moved, not noticing your presence.

"Sirius," was all you could say as the tears blurred your vision. Sirius stopped what he was doing and turned to the door, a look of horror on his face as he saw you.

Sirius instantly jumped off of the bed, leaving you to see who he had been shacking up with, Marleen McKinnon.

"Y/N-" Sirius said as he grabbed his pants, throwing them on as quickly as he could before he made his way to you, Marlen just laid in his bed trying to cover herself.

"I-its not- I'm not- baby girl I'm so-" Sirius was silenced by the sting on his cheek.
"Don't speak to me ever again." You tried your hardest to sound strong but your voice cracked as the broken sobs threatened to leap from your heart.

You ran down the stairs, straight to the common room, coming face to face with the marauders. "You knew." Was all you said as your tears began to fall. "We tried to tell you-" James said, he felt as if he was the one who had cheated on you as he watched the tears run down your cheek. "Not hard enough!" You spat out before you pushed past him once again.

Sirius came running down the stairs wearing only his boxers. "Where did she go?" He asked but none of his friends spoke to him. "You're a mess mate," Remus said as he looked at his friend.

Sirius was sporting three very large love bites and his back was a pale canvas with many red scratches running down it, showing how much fun he had been having with Marlen.

"Where did she go?" Sirius said in a stern voice. "Leave her alone, she won't want to see you like this." Peter said not looking at Sirius who made his way to the portrait hole.

"She deserves better than you." James said before he made his way back to his room to tell Marleen to leave, Remus and Peter followed him, leaving Sirius sitting alone in the dark common room.

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