Remus Lupin: Blood Status

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The train pulled up to its destination and one by one the students emptied off of the train and on to the boats awaiting to take them to Hogwarts

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The train pulled up to its destination and one by one the students emptied off of the train and on to the boats awaiting to take them to Hogwarts. It was your 6th year in Hogwarts but you still felt the same excitement as you did in your first day.

Your favourite thing about a new year at school was watching the new first years get sorted, they all held the same range of emotions, from fear to excitement.
You remembered being sorted on your first year, the relief on your shoulders as the hat yelled Slytherin, your parents would of been so disappointed if you'd been put anywhere other than Slytherin.

You were a Slytherin Prefect so once every one was sorted you took the group of first years and gave them a quick tour of the school grounds. "This is the entrance to the Gryffindor Common room, it'll be best to avoid his part of the school because spending too much time around a Gryffindor tends to make you lose brain cells." You joked earning a few laughs.

"And that kids, is why Slytherin's are the least favourite house in the school." You turned to see a boy with his arms crossed across his chest, he was leading the Gryffindor first years around just like you.

"Oh please, we all know Slytherin is the best house." You said cockily.
You didn't know the boy stood in front of you but you did recognise him slightly, you'd seen him around school a couple of times over the many years you'd been at Hogwarts.

"Whys that? Because you're all as greasy as a dodgy burger?" The Gryffindor said matching your cockiness, the first year Gryffindors went hysterical.
"No." You sneered at him. "Because we are all clean, your house is infested with Muggle born." You said trying to keep your composure.

The boy in front of you frowned at you, clearly he was a muggle born or at least a half blood. "Beat it Snakes, before I show you what a muggle born can do." He spat at you.
You frowned. "Come on then, I'll show you to the Slytherin common room next." You said leading the younger children away.

"Oi Gryffindor," you said snagging the boys attention once again.
"Be grateful there are children present, if they weren't here I'd show you what a pure blood is capable of." The boy kept his gaze on you until you vanished.


The next day you went down to the hall for breakfast, the younger Slytherin following behind you as you lead the way. When you entered the hall you pointed to the Slytherin table and the children all ran to it to enjoy their food.

"If it isn't the pure blood." A voice said from beside you, making you jump slightly.
"If it isn't the muggle born." You replied calmly. The boy smirked at you.

"I don't think I caught your name?" He said making you frown. "I didn't tell you it." You said coldly. "Well then tell me it." He replied quickly. "Why?" You asked. "So I know to tell the kids which Slytherin to avoid." He said.

"All of them." You said before walking away. Once you sat at your table Snape frowned at you. "What did Remus Lupin want with you?" So that was his name. "Nothing," you said before tucking into the food in front of you.

Remus sat beside James who was stuffing his face. "Do you know that girl from Slytherin?" He asked pointing to you.
"The one sat by Snivelious?" Sirius asked making Remus nod.
"Her name is Y/N, why?" Peter asked but Remus just shrugged.

"Don't even think about it, she's a full blown bitchy witch!" James said finally putting his food down. "She'd eat you alive mate." Sirius laughed out but for some reason Remus was interested in you.

It was obvious that you were a good looker, the majority of the boys in the school would agree it but the way you held yourself seemed to catch Remus attention and he just couldn't seem to shake you from his thoughts.


Part 2 coming soon!

Can we just discuss how sad Cedric Diggery's death was, like omfg it still hurts me to this day! He was such a good kid like he wanted Harry to take the cup because he helped him! And then he was just killed? Fucking sucks!

Also Ed Sheerans new album🔥

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