Remus Lupin: Blood Status 2

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Since you were a prefect, you had to spend a few hours after lights out roaming the corridors of the castle to make sure everyone was in bed, out of trouble

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Since you were a prefect, you had to spend a few hours after lights out roaming the corridors of the castle to make sure everyone was in bed, out of trouble. It was pretty boring but you quite enjoyed seeing the empty corridors that were usually full of life.

"You're nothing but a mudblood." You heard someone spit. "A dirty little mudblood," you walked around the corner and found two Slytherin third years facing off against a smaller Hufflepuff girl who was trying her hardest not to cry.

"My father says you should all be eradicated," the other one said before raising his wand. The poor Hufflepuff looked terrified but you couldn't blame her, the two bullies were older than her and stronger.

"Oi-" you heard a deep voice say, you looked ahead of you and found Remus Lupin marching towards them. "You little shits think it's nice to pick on someone smaller than you?" He said, he was clearly annoyed by the boys.

"This has nothing to do with you," one of the Slytherin said. "I'm a prefect." Remus said resisting the urge to smack some sense into the cocky boys. "Yeah, a Gryffindor prefect, were Slytherin and that's a Hufflepuff." The other said.

Remus was clearly ready to grab both boys by the scruff and teach them what happens to bully's but you decided this is where you would intervene. Both Slytherin had their Wands pointed at Remus and the girl.

"Wingardiam Leviosa," you said and suddenly both boys were risen into the air, their wands falling to the ground. "What the hell-" they squirmed in the air, the Hufflepuff girl giggled.

"My my, now that's no way to treat a lady." You said gaining everyone's attention.
"What do you think you're doing out of bed?" You asked the boys in the air. "Put us down Y/N- please!" They begged. "Put you down? If you insist." You said dropping them to the floor.

Both boys groaned in pain but you just bent down to their level.
"I think you owe this girl an apology." You said with a look in your eye that showed you were not to be messed with. Both boys muttered their apologies before you told them to get back to their beds before you hexed them.

"And you." You said turning to the little girl. "It's well past your bedtime, off you go." You said trying to sound stern but she didn't believe you because she smiled at you before rushing back to the Hufflepuff dorms.

"So she does have a heart." Remus said with a smirk. "Tell anyone and I'll have to kill you." You teased. "Why'd you do it?" He asked as he leaned against the wall. You looked at him confused before asking "Do what?"

"Stick up for her, she's a muggle born? Thought you hated them?" He said making you frown. "That's where you're wrong, I don't hate muggle borns but I do hate bully's and two against one isn't a very fair fight in my books." You said walking past him, he followed you.

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