James Potter: Heart Break

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!Huge trigger warning!

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!Huge trigger warning!

You never intended for it to end the way it did, sometimes life just takes over, she has different plans for us and chooses how and when to change our lives.

Finding out you were expecting was a bit of a shock to the system simply because you and James hadn't been planning it, not that most people do, but it was such a surprise.

At first you feared that the troublemaker known as James wouldn't be able to stick by you, you feared that he'd leave you to take care of his child alone but of course you were wrong, James was so unbelievably proud that he was going to be a dad that he told literally everyone he knew!

The marauders were the first to find out, they all turned up the next day with presents, Sirius brought a small shirt that said "I'm with stupid" and instructed you that the baby was to wear it whenever he was in public with James, who was not very fond on the item of clothing.

Life was going well for you and James Potter, that was until you felt the sharp pain in your stomach that woke you from your sleep that night.

You felt a small puddle down by your legs and flinched, you were only 7 months pregnant, you couldn't be in labour now!

James instantly sat up and turned on the light as you let out a small gasp of pain. "Y/N?" He said quickly as he fumbled for his glasses.
"The baby- it's coming!" You said sounding excited but scared.

"Really-" James said as a large smile spread across his cheeks, you pushed the covers down and got ready to get out of bed and that's when James felt his stomach drop.

"Y/N" he said sounding breathless.
"We need to get the bag ready-" you said as you did a mental check of what you needed to pack, the pain was so intense that you weren't able to fully stand from the bed.

"Y/N.." James said again, you turned to look at him but he wasn't looking at you, instead his eyes were trained on to the small red pubble on the bed.

You looked down and saw the blood running down your legs. You don't know whether it was the pain or the sight of so much blood but you dropped, your legs going limp as you fell to the floor, James hurried to pick you up before he ran you to the car.

You turned up at the hospital, James' hair was a mess of black knots from his slumber, his glasses smudged, he hadn't even realised he was still wearing his Chudley Cannons pyjamas that you'd bought him for his birthday.

You were slowly getting covered in more and more of your blood, your dressing gown was ruined along with your pyjamas, your feet felt the cold nip of the night as James picked you out of the car and carried you into the hospital, you didn't have any socks or shoes on but you didn't care, you felt numb.

"I'm sorry," the doctor said, those were the only words you decided to hear as you laid in the hospital bed, James argued with the doctor as he ran his hand through his messy dark hair but you couldn't hear them, you just felt tears run down your face as you realised you'd lost your child.

Returning home 5 days later was supposed to make you feel better, it was supposed to help you sooth your pain but it didn't, everywhere you looked was just a sore reminder of what you'd lost.

James hadn't left your side since you'd been taken into the hospital so the bloody bed covers still laid on the bed, James rushed to remove them before you'd seen them.

You walked into the nursery that was only half decorated, the walls were a lemon coloured yellow, the cot was a lovely clean white and the odd stuffed animal was spotted around the room.

You walked further into the nursery and picked up the top that Sirius had gifted you after a week of finding out you were pregnant.

"I'll get all of this stuff out of here by tomorrow." You heard James say quietly from the doorway, when you looked back at him it was as if he was afraid to enter the room.

"This stuff?" You said coldly. "This stuff?" You repeated. "This stuff our babies!" You snapped, James looked shocked. "Y/N-" you shook your head.
"Shut up!" You spoke over him.

"I'm sorry-" he said quietly, James sounded so broken, you wished you could just calm yourself but you couldn't.

"No you're not! You never wanted this anyway!" You said as you threw the teddy you had picked up.
"Don't say that-" James whimpered.
"Why? It's the truth!" You spat at him.

"Why are you being like this?" He said getting angry. That's when the tears ran down your cheeks.
"Because I've lost my baby!" You cried out before you pushed past James.

You ran to your bedroom and stuffed a number of things into a bag, James stood there watching you.
"You know it was my baby too." He said not looking at you.

"I can't do this-" you said as you picked up the bag.
"So you're leaving?" He said following you down to the front door. "After everything we've been through?" He snapped.

"You didn't have to sit there and feel your baby die." You said sadly.
"But I still had to watch you go through it." He said as tears began to form in his eyes. "It's just not the same James." You said as you opened the door.

That was the last James had seen of you. No matter how many times he called your mother's phone, no matter how many times he asked your friends to tell you he missed you, you ignored every attempt he made.

I'm sorry this was so rubbish but I'm also very sorry if I have upset anyone with this chapter

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