Remus Lupin: Surprise

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Positive, you thought to yourself

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Positive, you thought to yourself.
"Positive," you said out loud. "It's positive!" You said with a smile as you looked at the pregnancy test in your hands.

You heard the front door open, letting you know that Remus was finally home. "In here Moony!" You called making him smile, he loved how you called him by his nickname.

"How's your day been?" You asked as he came into the living room. "Uneventful," he said with a shrug, oh this was going to be good, you thought to yourself as you hid the pregnancy test away.

"How was yours?" He asked placing a kiss on your head, "Pretty eventful, actually." You smirked to yourself. "Really?" Remus said with a smile. "What happened?"

You completely ignored his question and stood up. "Would you like a cup of tea?" You said walking to the kitchen. Remus followed behind you, wondering what you weren't telling him.

"Sugar?" You asked trying not to laugh as Remus cocked his eyebrow. You put the kettle to boil. "Two please," he said watching as you added the sugar to the cup. "Milk?" He nodded as you smirked.

"Here," you said passing him his tea after you'd added the hot water.
"Y/N?" He said putting down the hot liquid. "Yes dear?" You said trying to hide your smile, even though you couldn't stop the toothy grin that was playing on your lips.

"Why do I feel like you're not telling me something?" He asked eyeing you up and down playfully. "I have no idea what you're on about," you said innocently.

"Oh- will you call the doctors for me later?" You asked cleaning up some tea you'd spilt.
"Doctors?" Remus said slightly concerned. "Are you sick?" You shook your head. "Are you in pain?" He said examining you. Once again you shook your head.

"Than what's wrong?" You reached into your pocket and pulled out the pregnancy test.
"Nothing Remus," you handed him the test. "Just want to find out how far gone I am,"

Remus was silent for a moment as he stared at the test, was this a prank?

"Say something moony-" you said slightly worried he didn't want a baby.
"ASDFJKL-" you laughed as Remus showed you just how excited he was.
He couldn't even form a sentence because he was so happy.

Remus picked you up but soon put you down and looked at your belly, worried he might hurt his unborn child. You giggled at him before he ran to find his phone, to tell the other Marauders that their would soon be another addiction to the group.

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