James Potter: broomstick

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"So you're telling me that you're going to take Y/N on a date on a broomstick ride?" Sirius said to his best friend

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"So you're telling me that you're going to take Y/N on a date on a broomstick ride?" Sirius said to his best friend. James nodded. "She's gunna love it!" James said as he put more food into his mouth.

"Sure Prongs because every girl wants to go for a broomstick ride for a first date!" Peter laughed. James frowned at his friends. "What's wrong with it?" He didn't understand what was wrong, he was the team captain of the Qudditch team, it was an honour to ride with him.

"It's fine Prongs, don't listen to them." Remus said trying to help his friend.
"Better than taking her for a ride on your other broomstick," Sirius said with a smirk. "She's not that type of girl," Remus said. "Sadly," James added, making his friends laugh.

~~~Time skip to your date~~~

"So Potter, where are you taking me?" You asked as James led you by your arm to the lake. "You'll see soon enough," he said smiling at you.

When you arrived at the lake James let go of your hand and picked up his broomstick. You looked at him confused as he got onto it, "Well, come on then!" He said gesturing to the small space behind him.

You paused for a brief moment before getting on.
"Hold on tight!" James said before blasting the two of you into the air. You clenched onto him as tight as you could.

James soared through the sky, with you right behind him.
He showed off as much as he possibly could by doing fancy tricks like loopty loops and going backwards.

You hated every moment of it.
You'd ridden a broom before but never this high or this fast. If you let go of James you'd pummel to the ground and die on impact.

"Having fun?" James asked as he slowed down. You didn't say a word, you were too scared too. "Y/N?" He said turning to look at you. "Keep your bloody eyes on the sky Potter!" You cried out.

"Don't squeeze me so tight!" He said loosing oxygen, you didn't budge. James could see that you weren't enjoying your first date so he shot to the ground, which scared you even more!

"Oh my bloody god!" You yelled as the ground neared. "We're going to die!" James tried not to laugh. "I'm going to die a virgin and my body's going to be all mangled!" You screamed. "Oh my fucking Merlin!" You cried out as the ground was inches below you.

Suddenly you felt your feet on the ground but you didn't let go of James. "Did you hate it?" He asked feeling stupid, Sirius was right, this was a dumb idea.

"N-no-" you lied. "It was cool!" James smiled. "B-but maybe next time we could go for a date to the pub?" James smiled happily, at least you were planning on a second date with him.

James nodded before the two of you got off the broom.
"Thanks for the ride," you said pecking his cheek and walking away.


"And she most definitely hated it." James said to his friends. "Oh yeah- I forgot to tell you that Y/N doesn't like heights. Sorry prongs!" Peter laughed awkwardly.

James frowned at his thick friend. "No. Problem. Worm. Tail." He said through clenched teeth, he'd have to get him back for that.

"And what have we learned gentlemen?" Sirius spoke up. Remus rolled his eyes, he knew what was coming. "Sirius is always right!" The long haired boy said smuggly.

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