7. James Potter: BFF

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James was sat in the Gryffindor Common room with the rest of the Marauders, tucked in the corner of the room discussing their latest prank ideas when you burst into the room

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James was sat in the Gryffindor Common room with the rest of the Marauders, tucked in the corner of the room discussing their latest prank ideas when you burst into the room.

"Over here L/N," Sirius called you over. "Hey guys," you said causing James to frown. "Okay what's got your nickers in a twist?" He asked making you frown.

"Nothing.. I'm fine." You said causing James to smirk. "You're like an open book, I can read you with out even trying." The boys chuckled, it was true, you and James were so close that he could tell your mood just by looking at you.

"Just boy stuff," you said in a sigh. "Which boy now?" Peter asked as you sat down. "Bertram," you said making the boys smirk. "Old Aubrey?" Remus teased you.

"What's he done?" Sirius asked, the discussion about pranks and hexes had been totally abandoned. "Well we went on a date recently," the boys nodded. "But now he's decided that I'm not his 'type' whatever that means." James frowned.

"Well he clearly doesn't have a very good type then," he said making you smile, Peter, Sirius and Remus all shared a similar smirk with one another.

You see you and James had been friends for a couple of years now, slowly the two of you became best friends as you integrated into the Marauders group but your relationship with James was always different to what it was with Sirius,  Remus or Peter.

"How's Evans?" You asked making James smirk. "She's still not keen but I'll convince her," he said making you smile a little. "Why don't you give up on her and go chase some other skirt?" You teased. "I like her," was all he said.

The five of you continued to talk into the night, eventually you all went to bed one by one, Peter was first, followed by Remus who was still shattered after last week's full moon.

"I'm heading off," Sirius said through a yawn. "You coming Prongs?" He asked but James looked at you before saying "I'll be up in a bit," Sirius smirked before he left the almost empty common room.

You sighed. "What's wrong with me James?" You asked him making him frown. "There's nothing wrong with you? You just have terrible taste in men." He said instantly knowing you were still thinking of Aubrey.

"Then why can't I get a boyfriend?" You asked as you sulked into your chair. "Because you're too good for any boy at the school. You're too funny and cool and way too beautiful for them so they don't bother truing because they know they don't have a chance with you!" You chuckled.

"You know if Lily got to see this side of you then you'd be in with a chance of winning," James nodded as he thought about saying those same words to lily later on but shook his head.

"You deserve a nice girl Potter," you said as you looked into the fire. "You deserve someone that'll make you laugh every day." James thought about the girls that made him laugh. "And a girl that's pretty enough to be on the cover of every Muggleswick magazine out there."

"Guess I just described Evans huh?" You chuckled to yourself. "No." James spoke suddenly. "So she's not even perfect the enough for you? You really have got high standards haven't you!" You teased him.

"Yeah well maybe you wanna try it out some time." You frowned at his comment. "High standards? Well tell me then mister perfect, who have you got in mind?" You folded your arms over your chest and lent forward.

"Me." James spoke before he could stop himself and once that word was out there you froze.

"That's not funny." Was all you said. "I wasn't trying to be," once again James mouth had taken over and put his brain in the passenger seat. "I think you're funny and I think you're probably the best looking girl in our school," you were totally shell shocked.

"You're just saying this to be nice," you didn't realise it but James had inched closer to you with each word. "No I'm not," you shook your head. "Yes you are- you're doing it because you're my best friend." James shook his head.

"I'm saying it because it's the truth and you need to hear it so you stop picking losers like that Aubrey." He said making you smile ever so slightly.

"Then kiss me." You said with a tone of confidence that turned James on slightly. "What?" He was now the one who was confused. "Kiss me so I know you're not playing a prank." You said as you sat rigid in tour seat.

"Okay-" James said before he landed forward and pressed his lips against yours. For a moment it felt wrong, James was sort of like a brother to you but that feeling slowly melted away as James put his hand on your cheek to deepen the kiss.

James pulled away to see what your reaction was but you held a look of utter confusion and shock.

"I'm sorry! I'm such an idiot!" He said as he ran a hand through his messy hair. "No you're not." You said sheepishly. "Do it again." You said quietly, James took the invitation and pressed his lips to yours once again, this time in a more passionate kiss.

The damage was already done, he'd already ruined your friendship so he might as well enjoy the kiss. You wouldn't be able to go back to being just friends anymore but neither of you truly minded because instead you'd discovered something new with in one another.

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