6. Sirius Black: Mudblood

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"God I'm bored," Sirius whined as he lay under the largest tree near the lake

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"God I'm bored," Sirius whined as he lay under the largest tree near the lake. "You could get some studying done," Remus suggested. "Serious suggestions please," was Sirius' reply.

"Well I think I've just found us some entertainment." James said causing Sirius to sit up, he spotted Severs Snape and smirked before he and James got up.

"Oi Snivellious!" Sirius called out making Snape flinch. "Why so jumpy? Looks like you're scared." James asked with a nasty smirk on his lips. "Scared?" Snape spat out. "Why would I be scared of either of you?" He said with mock bravery.

"Don't be so rude Snivellious," Sirius said threateningly. "Or we'll have to punish you," he said darkly causing Snape to pull his wand out but he wasn't fast enough.

"Expelliarmus!" Sirius called, sending Snape's wand flying through the air. James laughed loudly as he watched. "You-" Snape snarled as he reached for his wand but James was quicker.

"Alarte Ascendare!" James cried out sending Snape hurdling into the air before he crashed nastily onto the ground. The onlookers from around the lake made their way over to watch, creating a circle around the three boys.

"Snivelly," Sirius said stepping forward. "Do you think your nose could possibly get any bigger?" He asked before once again raising his wand, "Engorgio!" Suddenly Snape's nose grew so large he could not lift his head from the dirt. The people surrounding them began to laugh, egging the boys on.

"Pathetic." James smirked. "How about we have some real fun," Snape tried his hardest to raise his head and grab his wand but his nose was just too heavy so he readied himself for whatever the boys were going to do.

"Wingardium Leviosa," Sirius said raising Snape into the air, earning a few cheers from onlookers. "Stop it!" You yelled as you burst through the crowd.

"What's that?" Sirius asked in a shocked tone. "I said stop it." You said as you stood in the circle. "Why?" James asked. "He didn't do anything so put him down." You yelled, you were seething with anger as you witnessed the bullys tormenting Snape.

"Are you sure?" Sirius said with a smirk. "I said put him down!" Sirius shrugged before dropping Snape.
You lunged forward with your wand out and yelled "Molliare!" Causing the ground under Snape to cushion his fall.

"You're quick aren't you," Sirius said slightly impressed. "But you're messing with our fun." James had his wand pointed at you ready to jinx you.

"You call this fun?" You shook your head. "Some one needs to teach you a lesson." You threatened him. "Then do something about it." James chuckled.

"Fine, Anteoculatia!" You quickly said, James stepped back as his hair morphed into antlers on his head. "What the hell!" James cried out. "It's rather fitting prongs, don't you think?" Remus said from with in the crowd making Peter laugh.

"You little bitc-" James was silenced as a jet of water left the tip of your wand and hit him in the face, causing him to choke and fall to the ground.

"I think you need to cool down." You said in a mock innocent voice. "I'd stay down if I were you Potter." You said as he went to stand, this time James took your warning and stayed in the puddle on the floor.

Meanwhile Sirius just watched you belittle his friend, Snape had managed to sit up but his nose was still to heavy to stand.

"Remove it," you said gesturing to Snapes large nose. "Who, me?" Sirius teased as you pointed your wand at him. "Why are you even taking his side?" Sirius asked getting annoyed.

"I don't like bullies." You spat at him.
"Bullies? We were just having a little fun, right Snivellious?" Snape couldn't speak because his nose covered his mouth.

"Why do you get off on hurting other people?" You stepped closer to Sirius. "You're humiliating him for your own sick pleasure!" You shook with fury. "You know people only bully other people because they're getting picked on by someone else, so who is it Black? Does mummy pick on you?" Those words sent a surge of anger through Sirius' bones and he raised his wand.

"Oh go on." You snapped at him. "Give me a reason to hurt you." Sirius frowned. "All you are is mean! And a bully and pathetic!" You shouted. "You're going to end up sad and alone one day!" Sirius yelled for you to shut up before he pointed his wand at Snape.

You went to cast a nasty spell but stopped when you realised he had just returned Snape's nose to its original size.

"You're lucky she was here to protect you Snivellious." Sirius shouted before turning his attention to you.

"And the next time you get in my way I won't stop myself from messing up that pretty little face of yours." He snapped. "Can't wait." Was all you said before you turned to walk away.

"Let's go to the infirmary, see if they can fix your antlers." Sirius said to James as the two of them stormed off.


Now I know this has painted the boys as bad guys but if you remember the order of the phoenix book we see that they are actually just a pair of nasty bullys so that's how I've decided to show them. Do you guys want a part 2?

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