Remus Lupin: Patronus

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James sat beside Sirius and Peter who all smiled as their friend, Remus sat in front of them in the empty common room, why was it empty? Because the boys were all ditching class and hanging out together

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James sat beside Sirius and Peter who all smiled as their friend, Remus sat in front of them in the empty common room, why was it empty? Because the boys were all ditching class and hanging out together.

"Uh oh," Peter said eyeing up Remus. "Look out, Prefects here!" He joked.
Remus smiled at his friends and slumped down on the sofa in front of them. "I should give you detention," Remus pretended to threaten but his friends knew that he wouldn't, he always turned a blind eye when his friends were misbehaving.

"Where are you heading?" Sirius asked Remus who was loosening his tie. "Nowhere, I had a prefects meeting and I thought I'd ditch the rest of Potions class." The boys began to tease their friend for ditching.

Suddenly the common room door swung open and you came stomping into the room. "Oh- hey!" You said smiling when you saw the boys all sat down in front of you.
"Hey Y/N," James said with a smile. "What are you doing?"

You stomped over to the sofa in a huff and sat with Remus. "I got kicked out of class," you said with a frown. "Again?" Remus said shaking his head to tease you. "Yeah- apparently arguing with a teacher is not acceptable behaviour for a girl." Sirius smirked. "And what did you say to that?" He asked making you shake your head.

"Nothing..." the boys all looked at you in disbelief. "I just gave him a hand gesture that he didn't seem to like very much!" You said innocently which caused the boys to all laugh.

"Anyway-" you said rummaging through your robe pocket and pulling out a crumpled piece of paper. "Look what I found!" You said as you placed it on the coffee table.
"What is it?" James asked confused. "It's the patronus spell!" You said excitedly.

"I haven't tried it out yet, do you guys wanna do it with me?" You said eager to learn your patronus. "Too late," Peter said with a smug smile. "We already know what our patronus' are," James continued.

"Damn it," you spat out, you thought you'd finally learnt a spell that the Marauders hadn't know about yet. "That's not very lady like!" Sirius teased, you just smiled and showed him the hand gesture your teacher sent you out for using, causing Remus and the other boys to laugh.

"Well?" You said crossing your arms and sitting back into the sofa to get comfortable.
"Well what?" Sirius asked mimicking your actions.
"Show me your patronus" you said excitedly.

Sirius stood up first and pulled out his wand. "Expecto Patronum" he spoke confidently and suddenly a large shimmering dog appeared from his wand and ran across the room as if he owned it.

You stared at the beast with your mouth agape. "Impressed?" He asked with a smirk, you just nodded and continued to stare at the dog.
"Oh please," James said standing up. "That's nothing," he said before whipping out his wand and repeating the spell.

"Expecto Patronum!" He spoke the words clearly and suddenly a majestic stag appeared in thin air and pranced around the room. "Wow!" You said in awe at the beast.
"Impressed?" James said cockily.

Peter stood up, "why couldn't you guys let me go first?" He said sounding slightly embarrassed but he also said the spell and that's when a little plump rat jumped from his wand and scuttled around the room.

"Awe," you said looking at the little fur ball run around.
"It's soo cute!" You said making Peter look confused. "Thanks?" He said not sure that was a compliment or not.

All of the boys sat down and you stared at Remus expectantly.
"What?" He asked as if he'd missed the show in front of him.
"Whats yours?" You asked sounding excited.

Remus shrugged, "I forgot." You frowned at him.
"How can you forget?" He just shrugged at you and that's when you decided that he probably had something lame and embarrassing like a chicken but you found it difficult to imagine Remus' patronus being anything that wasn't cool, maybe that was because you liked him?

"Why don't you find out yours," he said pushing the attention off of him and on to you.
You looked at the piece of paper and nodded, you really did want to know what your patronus was.

You stood up and cleared your throat.
"Think of your happiest memory," Remus said quietly, trying to help you.
You just nodded and did as he said before raising your wand.

Most wizards and witches never found out their patronus because it was such a difficult spell. You prayed in the back of your head that you would be able to do it because the four boys sat watching you were all capable of doing it and you'd look inferior if you couldn't do it too, plus you wanted to impress Remus.

"Expecto Patronum" you said loudly, at first nothing seemed to happen but suddenly a blue shimmering ball spilled from your wand and slowly started to take the shape of what you most resembled.

James, Sirius and Peter were all leaning forward watching in excitement. Suddenly your patronus came to life and roamed around the room. Remus stood to his feet when he saw what you'd created, your most inner traits coming to life in front of him in a form that made him speechless.

"It's stunning Y/N!" James said proudly. You smiled as you watched everything good about your soul run in front of you.
"It's- it's a-" Remus was so shocked he couldn't speak.
"A wolf." You said with your head held high, you couldn't help but be proud of yourself when you saw it.

Sirius looked at Remus who was stood with the biggest smile on his face, behind your back.

Suddenly the bell rang, alerting you all that it was dinner time so you put your wand away, your patronus disappearing with it. You turned to the boys and gave them all a smile. "Shall we walk to dinner?" You said happily.

Peter and James followed behind you but Remus stood in his place.
"You coming moony?" Sirius asked following you.
"I'll he down in a minute," he said making his friends nod.

Once the common room door had been shut Remus pulled out his wand and spoke the words quietly. "Expecto Patronum," his patronus tumbled into the air and ran through out the room.

Usually Remus would frown at the sight of his patronus, a wolf.
He hated it because it just reminded him of what he was, a werewolf, but now he couldn't help but smile at it.

"Maybe we're meant to be," he said with a smile as he watched his wolf and thought of yours.


Shall I do a part 2 to this or just leave it?

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