James Potter: Golden Snitch

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"I never want to see you again James Potter!" You cried out in the Gryffindor common room

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"I never want to see you again James Potter!" You cried out in the Gryffindor common room. James sat there speechless for a moment. "Y/N wait-" he went to stand up but you stormed out before he could say anything else to you.

"Shows over!" James yelled at the Gryffindor students that had been watching you break up with him. "You okay mate?" Peter said approaching his friend. James just put a hand in his messy hair.

"What did you do?" Remus asked sounding concerned. "I-I-" James didn't know. "You were flirting with Lily." Bertha Jorkins said crossing her arms. "No I wasn't!" James snapped at the nosey girl. Bertha sighed. "I saw you, Y/N saw you. You were all over Lily, it was sickening." She spat at him.

"Is this true Prongs?" Sirius said from the couch. James looked over at his best friend. "I- I was just playing," James said realising what he had done. "Were you flirting with Lily, yes or no?" James sighed in annoyance, "alright I was!" He yelled. "I didn't know Y/N was watching!" Sirius looked disappointed in his friend, everyone did.

"Where are you going?" James asked as Sirius got off the couch and went towards the door. "You're my best friend Prongs, but you hurt her for no good reason." James looked at the floor. "She needs somebody to comfort her." Sirius put his hand on James shoulder but soon left the common room, followed by Peter and Remus.

"Sorry mate-" Peter said as James watched his friends run to your aid. "She's a nice girl." Peter said feeling bad. James just nodded before grabbing Remus' sleeve. "Tell her I'm sorry Moony, please?" Remus nodded. "I will mate, don't worry."


You sobbed into your sleeve, you were well and truly heart broken and you didn't know what to do. "He's an idiot," you turned to see Sirius stood behind you. You sniffled.

"A massive idiot," Peter added standing next to his dark haired friend. "But he does love you Y/N." Remus added.

You choked a sob. "Bollocks!" You said trying to dry your eyes. "If you're here to tell me to go back there and get back with him then you're wasting your breath!" You were so hurt and upset and it was obvious in your voice.

Sirius shook his head and stepped forward. "We're not here to do that," you looked slightly surprised. "We're here because we care about you," Peter said looking at you with pity. "You're one of us." Remus said with a smile. "Thanks guys," you said before letting them comfort you.


It was lunch time now, rumours had already spread around the whole school, even faculty knew you'd split with James Potter and everyone was staring at you.
You'd just come from Poisons class with Peter, usually the two of you would join the other Marauders. Peter would slump down and stuff his face while you sat beside James, snuggling into him as he showered you with kisses.

You tried not to cry as you thought of such memories.
"I'll see you around Peter," you said looking for somewhere else to sit. Peter just followed you. "Peter you don't have to do this- go sit with them." You said looking over at James, Sirius and Remus. They'd all had the same class.

Peter shook his head. "You're my friend too Y/N, I won't leave you sit alone!" He said making you smile. "Thanks Pete," you said making him smile. "No problem," he said as the two of you sat down.

"Why don't they just come sit over here?" James asked as he watched you sit as far away from him as possible. "Just give her time James," Remus said. "Why does she need time? And whys she sitting with him?" James was worried that Peter was making a move on you.

Sirius chuckled quietly. "He's just keeping her company Prongs, at least with him there no other guy can swoop in to comfort her," James relaxed slightly and made a mental note to thank Worm tail later on.

"I'm sorry to ask this Prongs but-" Remus looked over at Sirius asking for help. "Moony and I want to know what happened with Lily so we know how bad the damage is." James looked down at his plate of food, which he hadn't touched.

"I- I told her she looked nice-" Remus cocked an eyebrow. "Just nice?" James bit his lip as he remembered how stupid he'd been. "Beautiful-" he said quietly. Why did I say that? He thought to himself.

"What else?" Sirius asked slightly annoyed, "I said- does this really matter?" Remus nodded. "I said I'd love to see her with out so many layers on." Sirius stood to his feet. "Pads?" Remus said shocked. Sirius just walked over to you and Peter and sat down beside you.

The thing is, when James started bringing you around the Marauders you gained relationships with each one of them. To Peter you were like no other girl, you were really sweet and treated him the same as the other Marauders, James being the only exception.

To Remus you were almost best friends, constantly talking about books you were in love with. You even accepted him after you found out he was a werewolf and covered for him when it was a full moon.

But to Sirius you became almost like a sister to him. He was James' best friend so he almost spent as much time with you as James did and the fact he hurt you by being so stupid pissed him off.

James was livid watching you sat with his friend, smiling at them and enjoying their company but refusing to even look at him when he was in the same room as you. He was once the only boy who was able to catch your attention and now you wouldn't even acknowledge him.

"Calm down James- don't cause a scene." Remus said trying to calm the obviously annoyed James. James pushed his plate away before standing up. He was so abrupt that you turned to look at him. He stared daggers at you but it wasn't a look that was nasty or hateful- it was a look of pain and needing, he needed you back.

You looked away from him only angering him more.
James started to storm out of the great hall. "Sit down Mr Potter," Slughorm shouted. James ignored him and walked to the doors. "Or I'll give you detention." James opened the doors. "See if I care!" He yelled before storming off.

You kept your head trained to the floor as the tears in your eyes blurred your vision.
Sirius put his hand in your shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze, as if to say he was there for you.

But even though you loved Sirius as a friend, you didn't want him there, you wanted James but he'd betrayed you.


Part 2 will be coming soon!

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