James Potter: Goblet of Fire

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"Y/F/N," your head master called your name, a cheer erupted from your house

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"Y/F/N," your head master called your name, a cheer erupted from your house.
"Congratulations miss L/N," he said shaking your hand, you were so excited to be competing in the Triwizard Tournament that you were shaking slightly.

Time seemed to fly by during the competition, you had already competed your first trial with ease and tomorrow you'd be competing in the second trial. You were pretty nervous for it since it was in the lake so you were sat in the library trying to find any spells that may help you.

"Oh Y/N," you were interrupted in your study's by Remus Lupin and the other Marauders, "hey good luck for tomorrow," Remus said making you smile. "Thanks," you said continuing to read the old book of spells.

"You were great in the first trial," Peter said proudly. "Thanks Peter, I really appreciate your kind words but I'm kinda busy." You said looking down at the book in your hands.
"Ah sorry Y/N," Sirius said, "good luck with- that!" He added not really knowing what you were doing with the book.

As Peter, Remus and Sirius walked away James sat opposite you.
"Scared L/N?" He asked leaning his elbows on the table. "No." You said not even trying to hide the annoyance in your voice. You didn't know why but James Potter really ticked you off on times.

"Should be, there's lots of things in that lake- lots of huge monster." He was trying to scare you but it wasn't working. "Listen you irritating toad, I'm not scared of anything, especially not anything in that lake so bog off and leave me alone." Jame stood up.

"That's my girl," he said making you frown. He always said things like that to you. "Mr Potter," Professor Mcgonagall emerged from behind one of the many book cases.

"The head master would like to talk to you." She said making him sigh.
"What have I done this time?" He asked following behind her. "Good luck L/N," he called before he left the library.


The time had come and you were stood with the other two competitors ready to dive into the lake to find "what was taken" whatever that meant.
The canon was shot into the air and you dove into the freezing water.

You only had an hour to find what was missing from your possessions but there was two problems. Number 1 was that the lake was huge and it would take a lot more than an hour to explore all of it. Number 2 was that you didn't know what you were looking for.

You swum for over half an hour, not finding anything that was yours or out of place, that's when you stumbled upon them, three motionless body's tied to the floor bed of the lake.

You didn't know the first two people, they were good friends of the two other competitors, your eyes stumbled upon the third body and that's when you saw him.
His wild black hair was even wilder in the water, his glasses still sat on the bridge of his nose but with any sudden movements they'd slip off.

You swam to him as fast as you could and grabbed hold of him, he didn't even budge.
You pulled your wand out of the strap around your thigh and shot at the tether around his ankle.

You held him close to you and began to swim to the surface, which was difficult because James was a bit bigger than you and he was almost weighing you down.
Once you'd gotten to the surface he sprung to life, gasping for air as he clung to you.

"It's okay- it's okay James, I've got you!" You said calming him down so he'd stop splashing about. "Y/N-" he said taking a moment to look at you.
The two of you swam back to the docks where the whole of Hogwarts were cheering for you.

"You saved me," he said once you were both wrapped up in blankets.
"Yeah well I kind of owe you that much since you were down there because of me." You said looking down at the floor. "So does this mean I'm yours?" He asked with a grin.

"What- don't be absurd!" You said trying not to blush.
"But it said to find what was stolen from you, that means you think I'm yours." He said cheekily. "Well I- I guess- to a certain degree-" he chuckled at your attempt to form a sentence. "You're mine too," he whispered in your ear, turning your cheeks a bright red.


This was a pretty short one and I know I used the plot of Goblet of fire but I just finished watching it and I couldn't help but think about what would happen if you were to be told to go find what's yours and then you see this trouble maker there!

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