Marauders: Boys

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You were sat in the middle of defence against the dark arts, your professor had just given you your task of writing a 1000 word essay on what to do if encountered by a dementor but as you put your quil to your parchment you slowly began to day dream

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You were sat in the middle of defence against the dark arts, your professor had just given you your task of writing a 1000 word essay on what to do if encountered by a dementor but as you put your quil to your parchment you slowly began to day dream.

The images flooing your head were slowly pulling you into a dream world that you much rathered than the smelly class room you were in.

"Good morning Gorgeous," you saw James saying as he leaned over you to givHe asked before he put his hand on your hip, placing soft kisses down your neck and over your collar bone.

You shook your head to wake yourself up but soon found yourself falling back into the dreamlike state.

You saw Peter and yourself walking outside, it was cold and there was a sudden downpour of ice cold rain.

"Quick!" Peter yelled before he grabbed hold of your hand and pulled you with him, the two of you running until you were safe under shelter.

The two of you laughed as you saw how soaking wet you both were. "Are you cold?" He asked as he moved some of your wet hair out of your eyes. "A little," you nodded.

"Here let me warm you up-" he said pulling you close to him so you could feel his heart beat against yours as his lips engulfed yours.

"If you don't silence yourself Mr Black you can leave," you heard your professor say, waking you momentarily.

Mr Black sounded so mysterious and mature~ you thought to yourself. "I just can't do it Mr black!" You whined as you pushed the work in front of you. "Don't be so silly Y/N, of course you can, I'll help you," Sirius said from behind you, his hot breath running down your neck and giving you goosebumps.

Sirius began to explain the subject you were studying but all you could think of was how attractive he looked when he was teaching.

"Are you not paying attention miss L/N?" He asked snagging your attention. "Uh- of course I am!" You lied. "Then please elaborate on what I was saying," Sirius said knowing full well that you couldn't.

"Thought so," he said before pushing your work off your desk. "I think someone ought to teach you a lesson," he said before putting you on the desk and tickling you.

You laughed to yourself, causing Alice to frown at you. You looked back down at your work and pretended nothing had happened.

You began to write your essay but soon found yourself day dreaming about the last marauder, Remus.

You were sat down by the lake on a warm day, the sun was out and so was remus as he cut the grass.

Remus wiped his sweaty forehead before removing his t-shirt which was soaking wet, revealing a very stunning body that you couldn't look away from.

Remus licked his lips, he was clearly thirsty so you offered him a sip of your drink, to which he nodded and ran over to your side.

"Thanks," he said before chugging down the cool liquid. "Technically we just kissed," you said with a snort type of laugh. "Why not make it a real one?" He said before he pressed his lips to yours in the best kiss you'd ever imagined.

"Miss L/N!" Your professor yelled again, snapping you back to reality. "Are you daydreaming in my class?" He said furiously. "Uh No- I was just thinking," you said suddenly.

"Hmm well it clearly wasn't dementors that's gotten your attention because you're dribbling." He said before walking away.

The bell rang and everyone started to put there things away. "What's up Y/N?" Peter asked. "Not like you to day dream," James added. "Maybe she's spending too much time with us!" Sirius chuckled. "Dream of anything nice?" Remus asked, you just nodded before they all left for dinner.

"I was busy dreaming about boys," you said dreamily. "Oh and Y/N, I expect your 2000 words on my desk tomorrow since you spent so long thinking about the subject." Your teacher said making you groan.

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