Sirius Black: Babysitting

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You never dreamed of having children, being a mother wasn't one of your life goals and Sirius liked that about you because he too never found himself looking to settle

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You never dreamed of having children, being a mother wasn't one of your life goals and Sirius liked that about you because he too never found himself looking to settle.

Everyone, including the Marauders, were shocked to find that Sirius had labelled you as his girlfriend because even that seemed too much for sirius.

It was James' birthday but sadly he had to work late so Lily arranged a small party with all his friends and asked you all to arrive before he got home, you and sirius were the first to arrive because he was sirius' best friend after all.

"Bugger!" Lily sighed. "What's wrong?" Sirius asked. "We're out of eggs and I need to finish James' cake!" She said as she put on her coat. "Do you mind listening out for Harry? He's asleep so he should be fine." You nodded as lily marched out the door with her purse in hand.

"Looks like we're alone," Sirius said with a smirk on his face. Suddenly the loud whaling from his grandson filled the house. "Looks like we're not." You said with a chuckle.

Sirius went upstairs and settled Harry back to sleep, then he went to the toilet. You weren't a very maternal person, everyone made jokes about your lack of motherly-ness so when Harry awoke again you went into his room without an ounce of knowledge on what to do.

"It's alright." You said, Harry looked at you with a smile as he held his arms out to be held. "Oh no- I don't hold children." You said, Harry began to cry again so you sighed and awkwardly picked him up.

"Okay what now?" You asked as held him to your body, fearing you'd drop him if you didn't. Harry whimpered, he clearly was still upset so you began to sing.

You don't know why you sang to him, he probably didn't understand English yet but it felt like the right thing to do.

"You are the only exception," you sang softly, Harry rested his head on your shoulder and smiled sweetly until he had drifted back off to sleep.

You put him back into his crib and slowly backed out of the room, careful to not make a noise.

"Wow," sirius said startling you. "What?" You said with a frown. "You were pretty good at that," he said sounding slightly shocked. "Yeah-" you said looking into the room where Harry slept. "Maybe baby's aren't that bad after all." You said making him chuckled before he pressed a kiss to your forehead.

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