Sirius Black: The Same part 2

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After Sirius came to the conclusion you were a werewolf he felt the need to befriend you and help you, like he did with Remus, but he didn't know how to go about doing it. He tried inviting you out with him and the Marauders but you'd politely decline the offer and move away from him.

"Pad foot you're staring at her again," James said throwing a bread roll at Sirius.
"You gotta stop doing that mate, if she doesn't want attention from anyone then you staring isn't going to help her." Peter said making Remus nod.

Sirius looked over at Remus.
"Why don't you want to help her?" Remus sighed. "Listen Sirius," he said quietly.
"If she doesn't want you to help, you can't force her to accept it. I know what it's like keeping a secret like that," Sirius shook his head. "But haven't we helped you?"

Remus nodded. "A lot, I'm forever indebted to you all, but she doesn't know what kind of people you are. If she's really like me then she's been forced to hide it away."

Sirius gave a defeated sigh, Remus was right, he couldn't force you to accept help, no matter how badly he wanted to.


After dinner the boys made their way back to their rooms.
Sirius didn't mention you again but he couldn't get you out of his head. To him you were this fragile little thing that needed help but you refused to take it.

"Shit," Sirius said looking around his room. "What's up?" James asked. Sirius sighed, "I think I left my wand in the dining hall." He said as he walked over to the door. "I'll be back in a bit."

When Sirius got to the dining hall he heard a sound, he peered through the opened doors and saw you sat alone, holding a red envelope. He recognised what it was, a howler.

You looked at the unopened letter in your hands and seemed scared to open it. Guess she got into trouble. He thought to himself, a lot of students got them when their parents needed to yell at them.

Sirius lent on the door a little too much and pushed it open a little bit more, alerting you of his presence. You rammed the letter into your pocket and stood up.
You weren't supposed to be out of your room at this hour so you were expecting a teacher or prefect to be stood there looking cross but it was just Sirius.

"Hi-" he said awkwardly. "I'm just looking for my wand." He said straightening himself up. You nodded and sat back down. "What are you doing out of bed?" He asked looking over at you. "I can't sleep." Was all you said. "Wanna go for a walk?" He said sounding hopeful but you just shook your head.

As Sirius found his wand you pulled the howler out of your pocket.
"You gunna open it?" Sirius asked realising how nosey he was. You chewed on your lip before shaking your head and placing it on the table.

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