remus lupin: Blood status 6

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It had been two days since the incident with Remus and the Marauders, Sirius kept his promise and came to explain the situation to you

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It had been two days since the incident with Remus and the Marauders, Sirius kept his promise and came to explain the situation to you.

You were sat in the library when he sat opposite you, James sat beside him and Peter sat beside you.

"What's wrong?" You asked sounding worried. "Is Remus okay?" You asked, Sirius just nodded. "It's about what you saw on that night." He said making you nod.

"Remus- he really should be the one to tell you this." Peter said in a hushed voice, even though the library was empty.

"But he's not in any condition to leave his bed." James said making you worry, how bad was- whatever happened to him.

"When Remus-" Sirius didn't know how to say it, it was easy to say with his friends because the marauders had been helping Remus through his troubles for years now.

"Remus-" Sirius was cut off from finishing his sentence. "It's alright boys, I'll handle it from here." He said getting everyone's attention.

You looked over at Remuss and couldn't help but feel saddened by his appearance, he was covered from head to toe in brand new cuts that would surely leave nasty scars.

"Moony, you should be in bed." James said but Remus ignored him and walked over to the table. "Do me a favour?" He asked his friends. "Give us a minute," the boys nodded before they stood and left.

Remus took Sirius' seat, sat facing you. "How are you feeling?" You asked while eyeing his wounds over. "Been better," Remus said with a small chuckle. "You look like hell," you said before offering him a small smile.

"Thank you for that night," he said looking down slightly. "It was nothing-" Remus shook his head. "You helped me, not a lot of people would of done what you did."

You didn't know why but your heart was beating like crazy in your chest when he thanked you, maybe it was because of the way he looked at you or the way he said thank you but it made you feel strange.

"In all honesty I enjoyed it- I got to knock you out and believe me, I've wanted to do that for a while." Remus laughed, he liked the fact that even after what you'd seen, you still made sarcastic comments as if nothing had changed.

"You're funny," he said with a smile, you cursed yourself for finding it cute. "But all jokes aside, I believe I owe you an explanation." He said sighing.

"When I was a kid-" Remus paused, the thought of telling you his deepest secret scared him.
"I was bit." He said quietly, almost as if he were ashamed.

"Y/N, I'm-" you cut him off. "A werewolf." You said in a way that sounded like you were bored. "Yes I know," Remus frowned. "Ive never seen as actual transformation but- well I'm not stupid Remus,"

"Who have you told?" He asked looking away, this was his worst fear. The fact you'd figured it out meant that you'd had two days to spread the rumor.

"Nobody." You said before standing up to put your book back on the shelf. "What? Why?" He asked, "most people would run and tell the whole school?" You just shrugged.

"Guess I'm not most people then, besides it's not my secret to tell." You said as you grabbed another book to read.

"So you won't tell anyone?" You could tell that Remus was scared of the truth being leaked, it was so obviously written all over his face and that made you sad.

"You're secrets safe with me." You said offering him smile that you'd never shown to anyone else. You didn't know it but Remus was feeling a twinge in his heart, he'd been getting them a lot when he was around you.

"Besides, I think being a Gryffindor is far worse than being a werewolf!" You said before turning back to your book.

You didn't want Remus to see a kind side of you, you wanted him to believe you were a bitch but now he knew the truth so he couldn't help but smirk.

"Watch it, otherwise it'll have to show you what a Gryffindor can do." He teased and now it was your turn to smirk. "I'd love to see you try," you teased back.

Remus slowly stood from his seat, he was in a lot of pain and was terribly soar. "I'd better be heading back," he said making you nod. "Take it easy for a while," you said looking worried for him.

"Careful," he said with with a smirk. "People might start to see think you actually care about me." He said before turning to leave.

You just sat down and whispered, "Don't be so ridiculous." Were you beginning to care for Remus Lupin?


The day had ended, your lessons were finally over and you were free to go to bed, which had been calling you all day.

"Oi L/N, wait up," you heard James call after you, you came to a stop and turned to see James and Peter walking over to you.

"Did he tell you?" Peter asked, you just nodded at them. "Listen, he's he's a good kid so if you tell anyone I swear to Godrick Gryffindor that ill-" you cut James off with a loud sigh.

"I appreciate that you're looking out for your friend but two things for you consider," you said as you crossed your arms. "Number one is that you're not smart enough to do anything to me, I'm better at magic than you so the only way you could harm me is by using your fists but you'd have to get close enough first," James was silent.

"Secondly I'm not going to tell anyone, I already promised Remus I wouldn't." The boys were both quiet for a moment.

"You promised him?" Peter asked, you sighed. "Yes now can I go?" James spoke next. "The other thing we wanted to do an was say thanks,"

"I didn't do it for you, I did it to help Remus." You said before walking away. "What's that supposed to mean?" Peter asked. "It means that Remus has attracted a snake," James said as he watched you walk away.

"You think he likes her back?" Peter asked, James just shrugged. "I'm not sure Wormtail but Moony's got some explaining to do."

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