Sirius Black: mothers worst nightmare 3

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When Sirius woke the next day he decided that being his usual boyish self may not work on you so he woke James up and decided to question him on his knowledge on you

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When Sirius woke the next day he decided that being his usual boyish self may not work on you so he woke James up and decided to question him on his knowledge on you.

"What-?" James said groggily as he felt himself being knudged awake. "What's going on?" He said as he wiped his eyes. "Rise and shine," Sirius said, Remus was slowly waking up due to the noise James had made.

"I need to ask you what you know about that Hufflepuff girl," Sirius said sitting on James' bed. "Which one?" James asked as he put on his glasses.
"Y/N obviously," Sirius said.

"Not much, I know the obvious stuff like she's punk as fuck," James said sarcastically. "Anything else?" Sirius said getting slightly annoyed that James wasn't taking this seriously enough.

"I don't know Padfoot, she's a year below us, total badass." James said through a yawn. "I heard a rumour that she stabbed her last boyfriend but nobody could confirm it to be true." James said smirking at the look on Sirius' face.

"You're better off asking someone from Hufflepuff who actually knows her." Remus said startling both boys.
"Fine, good help you were." Sirius said to James who was now out of bed and looking for his shirt.

"Where are you going?" Remus asked Sirius as he headed for the door. "Bit early for breakfast mate," he said looking over at the clock. "The early bird gets the worm." Sirius didn't reply, he just left.

Soon Sirius had walked down the Gryffindor Tower, through the many empty corridors and found himself at the entrance of the Hufflepuff common room. Sirius leaned against the wall and waited for at least 20 minutes before the door swung open and a number of students filed out.

"Oh hello Sirius," Jennifer Jenkins said excitedly, Sirius had cracked on with her a year back at a party and she wasn't quite over him yet. "Hey girls," Sirius said with a smirk. "Hey I was wondering if you'd seen Y/N this morning?" Jennifer nodded.

"Are you guys all friends?" He asked sounding hopeful but the look on their faces showed that they thought of you as anything less than a friend.
"We're not really- friends," Jennifer said. "I haven't got nothing against the girl but she just isn't my cup of tea," she said.

"Whys that?" Sirius asked. "She likes to keep to herself, not very talkative." One of the other girls said. "Is there anyone she is friends with?" The girls thought for a moment but shrugged, "Maybe someone in a different house? Like we said she keeps to herself," Sirius nodded before turning to lean on the wall again, letting the girls know that he was finished with the conversation.

More Hufflepuffs left their dormitory for breakfast and pretty soon you were one of them. Sirius saw you emerging from the doorway before he called your name.

"Hey?" You said in a tone that seemed unsure, well you were unsure as to why he was there. "Fancy seeing you here," Sirius said with a smirk. "I know right, crazy that I'd be in my house common room in the morning," you said sarcastically but Sirius didn't lose faith, instead he laughed.

"You're really funny, you know that?" He said with a smile, you nodded. "Are you heading to breakfast?" He asked, "Yeah, like I do every day,"

"Mind if I join you?" He asked making you frown. "Is this a prank?" You asked. "What? No?" He said quickly. "Then why are you trying to be so nice to me? It's not like you've ever taken an interest in me before?" Sirius didn't know what to say to that, it was true, he really hadn't ever shown interest in you before.

"Can't a guy wanna be nice to a pretty girl?" He asked innocently. "Yes but I'm not you're type of pretty girl." You said referring to his many partners.

"Well who's to say I can't find you attractive?" He said getting slightly annoyed that you were being so difficult. You didn't have anything to say in return to that so you just walked to breakfast with Sirius tailing behind you.

The entire time you walked Sirius made conversation with you, the majority of the time you didn't make conversation back, usually guys would give up by now but you had to give it to Sirius, every time you shut down the conversation he would just open up another one.

"Hey freak," you turned to see Avery, one of the most annoying of the Slytherin boys. He continued to make rude comments on the colour of your hair, you ignored him but Sirius did not.

"Oi snake, slither off before you earn yourself a broken nose." You were surprised at this, Avery soon buggered off leaving you alone with Sirius.

"You didn't need to do that," you said quickly, "Don't worry about it," Sirius brushed it off before he continued to try and compliment you.

"Seriously now Sirius, what do you want?" You asked as you stopped in the hallway. "Just a chance," he said, "Maybe you could let me take you out on a date?" You sighed.

"Just one date," you said before walking off, Sirius did not follow you this time, instead he rushed off to inform the boys that he had broken through your tough exterior and had gotten you to agree to a date.

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