James Potter: Seven Deadly Sins 3

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James Potter, your boyfriend, was a rather well known boy at hogwarts, he was a very good looking lad who was known for his talent on the quidditch pitch and for the hilarious jinx he would put on people for a laugh.

Before you started dating James he was rather well known for the fact that he pulled horrible pranks on people, he called them harmless but you thought that he was just a bully.

When the two of you became an item you made him promise to stop with the horrible pranks, he didn't want to at first but he did stop, occasionally he would put a harmless jinx on a student when you weren't looking.

If anyone knew James they could tell you that he had a rather large ego and a larger sense of pride when he thought of himself.

"Hey its Snivellious," Sirius said with a smirk but Snape ignored him. "Oi he was talking to you," James said, "His ears are probably full of grease, like his hair, so he can't hear us," the marauders laughed at James' joke.

Severus stopped and turned to face them. "What do you want Potter?" Severus sneered. "What's got you in a mood Sniv? Got rejected by another girl?" He said referring to Lily Evans.

"Last time I checked, she rejected you too." Severus said making James frown. James always thought of himself as a lady's man, he wasn't wrong, many girls lusted after him but lily Evans found him repulsive.

"Surprised you manged to get Y/N to fall for you, thought she had more sense than that." Snape added.

"Watch it Snivellious or I'll-" Snape cut James off. "Or you'll what? We're not on broomsticks Potter, we all know I'm just as good with a wand as you are." Snape was eager for a fight.

"James just leave it," you said trying to pull his attention elsewhere. "Oh Poor Potter need it's little girlfriend to stick up for him!" Snape mocked in a baby voice, a few people in the corridor laughed.

James felt personally attacked, he wouldn't stand for it. "You greasy little toe rag," James spat nastily before he shot a stream of light into Snape's chest, leaving him whimpering on the floor.

"James!" You said appalled at his actions. Everyone stopped walking past and circled the two boys, cheering James on.

James loved attention, it fed his large ego and soothed his wounded pride so he began to show off by draping Severus up into the air, hanging him upside down so his pants were put on show.

The crowd went wild, all cheering for James, you hated it. When all was finished and James let Severus go he turned to you with a very large, proud smirk on his face.

"Did you see? They loved it!" He began to show off again. "You-" you sighed. "I don't think I want to be with you James." He frowned at you. "And whys that?" he asked, his tone getting nasty.

"You're just-" you inhaled before you spoke. "You're just a bully." James chuckled. "If I was a bully they wouldn't of all laughed." He said cockily.

"Believe what you want James but you were so proud of yourself then- proud of being a nasty little jerk." James had a look of utter shock on his face before he straightened up.

"Doesn't matter," he said. "Plenty more fish in the sea." You shook your head. "You know that pride of yours will end you in a lonely pit where nobody can get close to you because you're head will be so big!" You said before you turned around and stormed away.

James didn't know what to say, he had lost someone very important to him all for a pride he just could not swallow.

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