Peter Pettigrew: Dance

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Saturday, the best day of the week, why? Because your room mates were all busy with their boyfriends so you got the dorm to yourself

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Saturday, the best day of the week, why? Because your room mates were all busy with their boyfriends so you got the dorm to yourself. So you pulled your CD player from under the bed, you had to smuggle it into Hogwarts which was difficult but you'd managed it.

You put on the radio, you didn't know how you got muggle stations at Hogwarts but you did and you were ever so thankful of it because it reminded you of home.

"Now relax while we play you a classic," the radio presented spoke over the radio, you smiled when you heard the song that was being played, Whitney Houston Dance with somebody.

You began to sway with the music, humming the tune to yourself as you sat on your bed, starting your homework.

The only problem was, you found it difficult to complete your homework while Whitney sang in the background, she had such a powerful voice that you ended up singing, rather than writing.

"Yeah I wanna dance with somebody, with somebody who loves me!" You sang quietly, still sat on your bed. You continued to sing, slowly getting louder and climbing off of your bed so you could dance in the middle of your room.


"Let's invite Y/N!" Peter said making his friends smirk. "Oh, whys that Wormtail?" Remus asked. Peter fancied you, in fact he'd fancied you for a while now but he just didn't know how to make a move so inviting you to othe pub with them all was a good idea.

"Sounds like a good idea to me," Sirius said, Peter smiled. "I'll go ask her now!" He said practically running to your room.


"Don't you wanna dance with me baby?" You sang loudly- in fact you were practically yelling the words out now. Peter got to your door, put his fist to it and began to knock but you couldn't hear him because you were blasting your music.

"Y/N?" Peter asked confused as he heard you singing.
Peter pushed the door open and couldn't help but chuckle at what he saw.

You were stood in front of the vanity mirror in your room, a hair brush in your hand, pretending it was a microphone.

You were singing your heart out, putting on a performance that would of made Whitney Houston proud!

Peter was trying his hardest not to laugh, he was beginning to hold his breath so he wouldn't make a noise.

You pointed to the mirror, pretending you were singing to an audience. You spun around a few times as you sang and froze when you saw him.

Peter was stood at your door with a large smirk on his face. "Peter how long!"

"Do you still wanna dance with somebody?" He asked making you smile.

"I'd love to," you said as he shut the door and too you in his arms to dance.


Sorry it took me so long, my Ipad is messing up!
Can you guys see the whole story and gif? My phone says you can but my I PAD says you cant

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