Remus Lupin: Blood status 5

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You ran as fast as your legs could carry you, straight out of the Gryffindor common room and down the first corridor you came across

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You ran as fast as your legs could carry you, straight out of the Gryffindor common room and down the first corridor you came across. Where were you running to? You had no clue but you did know that you needed to find the rest of the marauders to help Remus with- whatever was going on with him.

You knew that the party wasn't being held in Gryffindor or Slytherin common rooms so that left Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. You made a decision and before you knew it you were making a mad dash to the ravenclaw common room.

You got to the entrance to the common room and was met by a door without a doorknob or keyhole, but a bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle.

You knocked the door knocker and jumped back slightly when the Eagle spoke. "You can see me in water but I never get wet, what am I?" It asked.

"I don't have time for this!" You said before you tried to force the door open, it didn't budge and the Eagle asked the question again.

You sighed in annoyance, Remus needed help and you were stuck arguing with a door knocker.

"Think!" You said to yourself as you racked your brain to look for the answer. "A reflection!" You yelled and suddenly the door opened.

As the door opened you barged into the busy room, it was filled to the brim with students enjoying the party. Nobody really took notice in your presence but that was fine because you weren't there to mingle.

You barged your way through the crowd, pushing everyone out of your way until you were met with James Potter chatting up Lily Evans. "Potter!" You yelled making him jump. "Y/N?" What do you want?" He said sounding annoyed, lily took this as her chance to escape from him.

"Y/N? Let me guess, you've come to ruin the party." Sirius said with a frown.
"Spoil sport," Peter added but you ignored their comments, that wasn't important right now, Remus needed your help.

"Remus-" you said out of breath from all your running.
"Where is Moony?" James asked remembering that the two of you were on patrol together. "He- he needs your help!" You said making all three boys tense up. "What happened?" Sirius said turning serious.

"Just follow me!" You said before grabbing his hand and pulling him as you ran.
Sirius could barely keep up with your running as you dragged him, neither could James or Peter but you had to run as fast as your legs could carry you, no matter how much they ached for you to stop. You needed to help Remus.

You got to the Gryffindor common room, slammed the door open and dragged Sirius to his shared room. "Remus- we're coming in!" Sirius yelled before he opened the door.

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