James Potter: Heart Break 2

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"I'm pregnant," James remembered hearing you say, he also remembered that he took a minute to process what you'd just told him

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"I'm pregnant," James remembered hearing you say, he also remembered that he took a minute to process what you'd just told him. "James?" You said quietly, clearly you were fearing the worst.

James couldn't find his voice so instead he pulled you into his arms and let out a strange happy noise that would make you laugh for months afterwards.

James would also remember how excited he was to tell his friends that he was expecting a gorgeous daughter or a dashing son.

But the one thing he remember more vividly than anything else would be the colour of the sheets when you had woken him that night. The colour was a rich sickening red that made his worst nightmares come to life as he realised that your water hadn't broken- it was something more sinister and terrifying than that.

"I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do," James frowned, "how is there nothing?" The doctor sighed, "these things just happen Mr Potter, " James didn't remember what he had said to the poor doctor but he remembered the doctor saying "just take care of you wife Mr Potter, she needs you." James turned to look at you, you weren't his wife, not yet.

The next five days sat in the hospital seemed to drag, you didn't speak, just uttered the odd word every now and again but James didn't blame you.

When you got home James cringed at all the reminents of what you could of had laid around the house, he remembered the bedding was still stained in your blood so he rushed up the stairs to rip the sheet off the bed, out of your view.

James hated the nursery room, he loathed every inch of it as he stood looking in at you quietly sobbing over your infants things.

"I'll get all of this stuff out of here by tomorrow," he said not realising how cruel those words must have sounded to you.
He wished he had just kept his mouth quiet and instead held you but it was too late as you suddenly unleashed all of the things you had been feeling these past few days.

"You never wanted this anyway!" Those words hurt James in a way that no words had ever hurt him before, they lit a fire in his chest but at the same time made him feel like he was about the crumble!
"This" was his baby, his unborn infant that he already loved more than he loved anyone else.

James watched you ram the loose items of clothing into the bag, he hadn't yet registered that you were leaving him, he felt lost, he couldn't lose you and his baby, he was losing his life.

"You didn't have to sit there and feel your baby die!" You yelled out, so did that mean that James was incapable of feeling pain and sadness? Did that mean that James hadn't suffered through the loss of his child as he watched helplessly?

When the front door had slammed James found himself walking up the stairs and into the cabinet beside his bed, he pulled open the drawer and reached to the very back before pulling out the small black box.

"Your wife needs you!" Those words rang in his head as he looked down into the box, staring at the dainty ring. He had been planning to do this ever since you'd told him you were pregnant, he planned to make you his but now it was too late.


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