Sirius Black: Heartache

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How would you remember this day in a few years time? When you were sat by yourself on a lonely day how would this memory play out in your head?

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How would you remember this day in a few years time? When you were sat by yourself on a lonely day how would this memory play out in your head?

Firstly you would remember the build up to it, it started over dinner. It was something so small and stupid but the fury was built up over past arguments that you never got chance to finish.

Sirius fist hit down hard on the wooden table, you would remember the loud thud it made.

You would also remember yelling at him, what you yelled you didn't remember, it was just pure blind rage that he returned with some hurtful words.

Next you would throw your plate, the glass spreading everywhere was something you'd never forget.

You would then remember the screech of Sirius chair as he stood abruptly, you would of course remember the sight of Sirius running his hand through his hair, it was something you used to love doing yourself.

You would of course remember saying something rather nasty to Sirius, something you wished you could take back.

The next memory was of Sirius charging at you, his hands forcing you backwards roughly, this would be a memory you would try to surpress.

"Get out!" You would remember screaming at him, next you would remember Sirius turning and storming out of the home you shared with him.

Then you would remember each and every loud foot step he made before the door slammed behind him and you lost him.

The last thing you would remember would be the pain, the horrid loneliness he left you with. You would always remember this bit because it would never go, no matter what you did or who you tried to fill the loneliness with, it would never stop.


Part 2?

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