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As soon as the cloaked figure passed through the gates a few days later, the long brown haired woman ran to him and tackled him into a hug, almost making him fall, but his hood was the only thing that fell down, revealing a known scar.

Elie: " Onii-chan!"

She was about to choke on her words

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She was about to choke on her words. Ban simply wraped his arms around her softly and smiled at her as warmly as he could.

Ban: " don't worry sis. I'm here with you now."

A certain black haired woman approached them as Elie backed and held herself together.

Jennifer: " uncle..."

Ban: " I heard you were injured, are you alright now?"

The woman nodded. And Ban merely sighed.

Ban: " Elie, Jennifer, I'm sorry. If I was nearby back then."

Elie: " it's not your fault, Onii-chan! You came as soon as possible when you heard about it after all!"

Ban merely sighed at that.

Ban: " what about the others?"

Jennifer: " they will be all here by evening. You should use the left time to get cleaned and get some rest, uncle. I can see you hardly slept a wink for the past few days."

The brunette merely chuckled at her.

Ban: " you really have your father's sharp eyes after all."

Elie smiled at him.

Elie: " then, let's get inside."

She said and they all walked to the castle...


He slowly opened his eyes, but he was still feeling pain everywhere in his body.

" You're finally awake."

A feminine voice spoke and he looked up to see a woman with long large red braids, a stuff in her hand and a very large black hat shadowed most of her face. She sat down on a chair and looked at him with a cold yet terrifying smirk.

Irene: " I was waiting for you to wake up."

Jin: " who... Are you?"

He tried to move, but he found out that he was tied to the pole behind him. All he managed to do was to stand up.

Irene: " that's not the way to speak to the one who is holding your life in her hand."

Jin: " I don't remember such thing."

He told her with unwavering calm tone.

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