Nobles' Secret...

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Erza: " have you calmed down a little bit now?"

She asked the man who entered her room as she was having her tea the next morning. True for her, Kenzaki seemed to be back to his serious and stead self.

Kenzaki: " you said you will explain everything."

Erza merely took a sip of her tea.

Kenzaki: " why on Earth would you help him?"

She placed her cup of tea down and looked through the window, she was able to see the extended capital from her room.

Erza: " because I owe someone and I promised to save him."

Kenzaki: " you owe someone?"

Erza: " Kenzaki, what do you think is there behind the beautiful buildings of the capital?"

Kenzaki: " behind the beautiful buildings?"

She sighed as she looked up at him.

Erza: " I went there, to the worst area of our kingdom, to the places they tried to make us forget."

Kenzaki: " Erza..."

Erza clenched her fists tightly.

Erza: " I thought everything was fine, I thought our only problem was the prophecy. But he made me realize that our way of thinking is wrong, he made me understand that what the prophecy hold is more than what we had thought."

Kenzaki: " what do you mean?"

Erza: " as we left the kingdom in the hand of nobles since we were searching for father's killer, they ruined it. We're the cause of everything and not father's killer."

Kenzaki seemed to have doubts about that. Yet, what she said next shocked him.

Erza: " plus, if Kaidou Jin deserves to be punished, so are all of us for doing the same mistake."

Kenzaki now seemed confused. As an answer to his expression, she looked up at him with a sad smile.

Erza: " if you look at the poor sides of the capital, you will understand that people are suffering because of our ignorance and irresponsibility that left them under the mercy of nobles. If anything else, I'm sure there is someone out there who suffered like you and is hating us too."

Kenzaki had to look down, he didn't know what he should say. He still have some doubts but, he was not to deny Erza's words.

Erza: " if you still have doubts about that, then go and wander around the sides of the capital, I'm sure you will forget what Kaidou Jin did to you as soon as you see what we had done to our people."

He still doubted, for him, there was nothing more cruel than what had happened with him. Nevertheless, he nodded and left with a bow...


They had gathered in the main hall to listen to what Silica had to say.

The girl cleared her throat before looking at them with determined eyes.

Silica: " today, you have been gathered for a really dangerous matter."

Mira: " the one about the nobles you were investigating?"

Silica nodded.

Silica: " to clear things for both Tsubasa and Seekers, nobles would usually go the poor sides to pick some of the people there for their own reasons. Most of them are taken to work as servants or... Merely toys for those damn nobles... Anyway, in the last few years, we realized that certain families started gathering more people than usual. We didn't pay much attention to that at first. But then..."

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