Finale... Part 1...

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The cloud of dragons finally appeared from behind the mountains, heading their way. Ban narrowed his eyes as soon as he spotted them from his spot on the fences.

Ban: " shields!"

He ordered.

The shield users ran next to each other, placing down their huge tower shields in a line.

Ban: " mages!"

Momoko nodded.

Momoko: " all the mages follow my enchantment!"

They all followed her as she recited her words. The shields made of rare crystals shined as a semi sphere of energy formed around the capital.

From their position right behind the mages, Sakuya and Takeru looked up with worried looks.

Sakuya: " as a mage I know this spell very well. The spell that enchants the strength of a material into the magic itself. Using the Stunfeel shields, they're trying to enchante the Stunfeel properties into the semi sphere."

Takeru: " will it hold?"

Sakuya: " theoricly speaking, as long as those soldiers can hold, it should be fine but..."

" Relax!"

Two hands were placed on their shoulders. Liz, who chose to stay behind surprised them.

Liz: " we worked hard, on those shields, all three of us. It will hold."

The shaking of her hands on their shoulders made them more than sure that she was worried.

The dragons outside shot their blasts at the sphere and both men could feel the woman's grip tighten on their shoulders as they waited for the impact.

The blast hit the sphere, but no damager resulted. Everyone had relieved  expressions.

Ban: " proceed to fight!"

He ordered. Just as he said that, both dragons and the guardians flew from behind the capital, heading towards those of the enemy.

The dragons clashed together.

Silesse: " don't underestimate the sky knight of Arabista!"

She yelled as her dragon shot both fire and ice blasts, shifting its color between light red and light blue respectively as it attacked.

Down on the ground. Wolf demons and small dragons ran towards the walls of the capital. But as they got closer, they saw the soldiers standing right in their way.

Ban dropped down next to Jin.

Ban: " shall we go?"

Jin: " alright!"

They dashed to attack.

" God Mod!"

Hephaestus: " I got tired of your ugly faces! Just disappear!"

He kicked the ground and a huge crack appeared beneath the wolf demons, making them fall into a pit of lava.

Gaia: " my plants!"

Huge savage plantes emerged from beneath the small dragons, capturing them with their vines

Gaia: " those plantes generate a special poison to kill dragons."

Hephaestus : " you have quite the good imagination as usual, plus, for poisonous plants they seem beautiful."

Gaia rolled her eyes.

Gaia : " right, and you're focusing on brutal force as always."

Hephaestus : " that's what I'm good at."

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