Dea... The Fifth Level Demon...

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Dea: " you've merely tore away my cloak."

Jin made everyone back as the demon stepped forward further, his horrifying form coming to the light from the hole. Eriko gulped in fear at his new appearance.

Eriko: " demons really get uglier by the minute

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Eriko: " demons really get uglier by the minute..."...



The demon glared down at the little humans with a large smirk on the face.

Dea: " too bad for you. That cloak you had just tore is actually a seal made by the great demon Satan."

Jin and Jennifer narrowed their eyes at that name. More than anything else, that name brought back unwanted memories.

Dea: " as I started to climb higher the levels, Lord Satan started to fear my power and created that cloak to keep my power level at the fourth level. But now, as you tore it, I can show my true self. The true power of a fifth Level demon."

He roared, picking up a strong  stream all around him so they had troubles  standing their ground.

The demon held up his fist and gathered all of its energy before bringing it down, shaking almost the whole building. The impact caused a burst of black energy, tossing all four back and hitting them on the wall behind them.

Dea laughed as he looked down at his hands.

Dea: " it's been a while since I felt so powerful."

Jennifer dashed forward, Dea taking notice of her and trying to crash her down but she dodged his giant foot. She jumped on it, trying to climb up his giant body, but he slapped her away with the back of his hand.

He narrowed his eyes as Eriko shot him with her rapid fire.

He turned to her direction and extended his long arm, grabbing her.

Kenzaki: " Eirilyne!"

The monster in front of them smirked widely as he started tightening his fist around the human.

Jennifer: " Eriko! Scream of Death!"

She launched her attack at him but he stopped it with his other hand and looked back at the woman who was wincing in pain before her scream was heard as the pain became unbearable.

Kenzaki: " leave her!"

He tried to dash forward. But one step from the giant monster shook the whole area and made Kenzaki fall to the ground.

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