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Ryan shifted from his position on the ground. He couldn't put his mind to rest after their fight with the demons.

The area was now clear as all three of them made sure of burying all the bodies left out there. But no matter what, he was unable to bury his worries.

As he stood up, he saw both Jennifer and Alice laying down on the ground far from each other, with the former holding her scythe tightly. He could understand why she can't put herself to trust Alice, and he still finds it hard to believe Alice actually did such thing.

Although as much as he wanted to go back for his uncle, but he couldn't, for the voice was getting louder and louder.

' Save me...'

That voice whispered into the dark night...



The last thing she thought about was to actually be dragged to the rebels base this easily. She wasn't sure whether to be thankful or to worry about that.

She spend that night in the rebels' base, she had shared a room with a number of kids and young women. But she couldn't put herself to sleep, her mind was about to be blown up with all kind of questions that needed urgent answers.

When the sun started to rise up, she sneaked out of the room, careful to not wake anyone and walked to the stairs. From her position up, she tried to listen to what the ones down were saying.

Ban: " it's only a matter of time before the guards would attack us, so before they do, we should start moving."

Ryuzaki nodded in agreement.

Ryuzaki: " if all the people in the other towns start moving, that will take them by surprise. They will have to divide their troops to contain the rebelling people."

Kazuto: " still, the problem is that if we got attacked, we won't be able to send the special shields to them."

He pointed out rather worried

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He pointed out rather worried. Ban thought for a moment before turning to Ran.

Ban: " Ran, you're to go with Silica, Yukina and Heidi to deliver the shields. With Blaze, it will be an easy task."

Ran nodded.

Silica: " wait! Won't they capture us then if we fly on a dragon?"

Ran: " don't worry, I have a special amulet that will keep us hidden."

Ban: " Yukina and Heidi, you both can strengthen their barricade using the Stunfeel."

Yuki: " leave it to us then."

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